100 Assignment: Go to http://encyclopedia.che.engin.umich.edu/Pages/Reactors/PFR/PFR.html and research a piece of chemical engineering equipment. Write 2-3 paragraph summary of the purpose and use of the equipment. Describe the equations that are used to design that piece of equipment. Follow MLA format or IEEE (the numbering format) for citations and be sure to use Microsoft headings and equation editor. Plug Flow Reactors Purpose What is the purpose of this piece of equipment? What class will you learn more about this in? *Hint: Look at the 4 year plan and make a guess Use How is this primarily used? Can include pictures in here. Please make sure that you include proper citations. ETUBUCAN REACTOR Figure 1: Example of a Plug Flow Reactor³ Design Equations The design equation¹ centers around a mole balance within the reactor shown below: In - Out + Generation = Accumulation The equation then becomes Most PFR's operate at steady state and therefore the equation simplifies to [1] [2] + ST₁ [3] FAO - FA+ Rubric If only one reaction is occurring we can write it in terms of X which focuses on the conversion of the single species. FAO - FA Category Properly Formatted Includes Citations dNA = rдdv dt X = == V Sº *Hint: You may not fully understand the math or it may be a specialized piece of equipment, look up the most basic form and describe those design equations. The purpose of this section is for you to show me how to properly format equations, not understand the math. References -X V = FAO ₁ rAdv FAO - FA FAO Spelling and grammar Is at least 1 page long (max of 2 pages) Umich.edu. (2019). Plug Flow Reactors (PFRs). [online] Available at: http://umich.edu/~elements/asyLearn/bits/pfrfinal/index.htm [Accessed 23 Sep. 2019]. dX Encyclopedia.che.engin.umich.edu. (2019). Visual Encyclopedia of Chemical Engineering. [online] Available at: http://encyclopedia.che.engin.umich.edu/Pages/Reactors/PFR/PFR.html [Accessed 23 Sep. 2019]. Copyright Armfield Limited, Ringwood, UK Contains at least one picture or table. Properly labeled captions or headings Equation Editor Used Table 1: Point Distribution for HW-1 Max Points 20 15 15 20 20 10 Points Earned