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In Canada, against the historical and recent cry for racial

justice, there has been increased interest and debate as to

the place of diversity and merit in the appointment of all

categories of federal judges, including the Supreme Court

judges. The debate bothers on whether diversity should be

put into consideration while making these appointments

considering the multicultural Canadian society or that this

should be done purely on merit regardless of diversity

consideration. Write an argument essay, putting into use

your critical thinking skills and power of analysis, the

debate between diversity and merit in the appointment of

Federal judges in Canada. The topic must be thoroughly

researched, and this must show in your essay. You are to

discuss the pros and cons of both sides of the debate before

you state, in clear terms your own point of view The essay

(maximum) exc

sources must be

properly acknowledged in the references. Wikipedia is not

acceptable as academic reference. However, newspapers

articles, radio and television stations interviews and official

government releases are acceptable. The assignment should

clearly indicate the: Title of the Assignment, Course Title

& Numbers, Instructor's Name and Student's Names and

I.D. Number at the top of the first page of the assignment.

The font should Time New Roman 12 with 1.5 line

spacing. References should be APA format. The essay must

Fig: 1