understanding of their personal call and professional requirements for
Directions: An important element of our ministry is our reflection on
our personal, professional, and spiritual formation regarding a specific
vocational direction. In this self-reflection paper, students share their
general understanding of God's call and their specific personal call.
Students elaborate on their identity, personal values, skills, challenges,
and goals relative to a call. Discussing the uncertainty of a personal call
is as acceptable as describing a specialized call--in detail.
1. Listen to Dr. Thomson Mathew's message on "The Ministerial Call"
and read his "God's Call" chapter (.pdf).
2. Study Robbin's article by theologian H. Richard Niebuhr on the four
types of call (The Call to be a Christian, The Secret Call, The
Providential Call, The Ecclesiastical Call).
3. Write your reflections in the first person about your calling in
response to these sections listed:
a. God's call: Based on Robbin's article, explain your understanding of
God's call in the lives of Christians in general and your personal call.
• For your General Call, write at least one-half page under each of
Niebuhr's headings./na. God's call: Based on Robbin's article, explain your understanding of
God's call in the lives of Christians in general and your personal call.
• For your General Call, write at least one-half page under each of
Niebuhr's headings.
• Describe your perception of what God has specifically called you to
• Describe your personal values, aptitude, skills, and talents related to
this call.
b. Professional requirements, challenges, and affirmation of the call:
• Describe what is required to fulfill your call related to the resources,
training, and professional credentials you need.
• Describe any personal challenges you may need to overcome to
excel in your vocational call.
• Identify individuals, churches, or organizations that affirm (or will
need to) your vocational direction.
Fig: 1
Fig: 2