to help the audience understand. Please keep in mind that your audience has not had any exposure to the study and you have to provide the context. Remember that you are essentially taking academic writing and translating into your own words. Anything else could be considered plagiarism and would negatively affect your grade. There is no slide number minimum or maximum. Your slides must be accompanied by a narration. Make sure to limit the number of bullets and words on each slide. Avoid using quotes and be sure to include the citation for the research study. Be creative and make it visually appealing. At minimum, your presentation should address: The purpose of the research. What was the research question or hypothesis? Literature Review: What do sociologists already know about the topic? What are the unanswered questions? Who participated? How was the study conducted? What were the results? What were the key findings from the study? What can we do with the results? How does this research impact our daily lives? Complete citation of the article and any Lit Review sources
Fig: 1