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INSTRUCTIONS I have a question. do you do agency profile? I need this profile filled out on Agency's Mission and Objectives: What is the mission of the agency? Using your own words, state the agency's objectives. Using your own words, what does the agency is committed to achieve? Agency Profile: Provide a brief agency history Identify the agency's status (indicate category: voluntary, non-profit, for profit, federal) Identify the type agency (health, education, human services, research) Sources of funding Range of services Priority population served Other (describe) INTERNSHIP PROGRAM: Describe the program/unit/office in which you will intern. Referring to the Table of Organization, describe how this program functions within the larger agency structure. State at least 2 goals of the program/unit/office. List the services (outcomes) clients receive from this program. EXPECTATIONS AND COMMENTS: What are your expectations for this experience? What are the expectations of the agency? the program I'm working with is mental health. which I will be teaching mental awareness and mental health for young adults. Need to do in 250 words apa format