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An Ethics Case: You are a CIVIL ENGINEER and part owner of a Consulting Engineering Company.For the past three years you have been the contact person for your company with

a senior ranking person of the Government who oversees your government contracts. You meet with this individual several times a month to go over the contracts and work progress that you have made. Your company has performed work for the government for years and your company has received a number of contracts (15) to do so. Over the past 3 years the Government employee(and his staff) that oversees your contracts has served as a reviewer of your proposals, the signature Government representative for the contract, the reviewer of your progress reports and final product, the person who signs off on your invoices for payment, and this person accepts or rejects the progress reports and final reports. Over the last 3 years your company has completed contracts totaling approximately $7 million dollars. Over the 3 years you and this person have become friendly with each other and you learned he has a private business that he runs not related to his duties with the government. He tells you he is selling the current business and the final transaction (transfer) will take place in about a month as he has a buyer. He indicates that as part of the sale of the business he needs to keep the business open during this month so as not to lose customers for the proposed new owner.He then states he is out of money, he cannot get a loan, indicates that he considers you a friend, and he would like to borrow $3,000 from your company to keep the business open for the month. He will pay you back when he closes on the deal as he has some equity in the business. Is there an ethical issue presented here? Explain your answer in detail.

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