on account office supplies costing $350. c) She pays cash of $30,000 to acquire a lot next to the campus. This will be the future home of the business. d) Smith locates apartments for client and receives cash of $1900. e) Smith pays $100 of the account payable she created in transaction (b). f) She pays $2000 of personal funds for a vacation. g) She pays cash for expenses for office rent, $400, and utilities, $100. h) The business sells office supplies to another business for its cost of $150. i) Smith with drawls cash of $1200 personal use. Account for these transactions and create a balance sheet as of the end ofthe month and income statement for the month on the next page.
Fig: 1
Fig: 2
Fig: 3
Fig: 4
Fig: 5
Fig: 6
Fig: 7
Fig: 8
Fig: 9
Fig: 10
Fig: 11
Fig: 12