product because it's important for people to know the place, where it is, and how to find it. As for the product itself, I think the product is the most important because when people go to the store their looking for something they need for their pets, it could be food, toys, a leash, or a collar. For me, when people/customers talk about a store like Petco they know where it will be because they need to know where it is. As for product, it's the most important thing in a business because when the people/customers walk into your store they're looking for something they need for their pet./nQuantity: At a minimum, post one original 125 word post responding to the main discussion question and two peer response posts of 125 words each for a total of three posts each week (each post must occur on a different day). (3 posts minimum and 3 days of posting minimum.) Quality: To receive full potential points you must contribute substantive comments that add to the discussions in a thought-provoking way. Explain why you agree or disagree, include details from your professional life and observations, and/or include ideas from the textbook and additional research. Quality posts are ones that are relatively error free, add value, may add new ideas, and explain connections to readings, etc.
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