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LEARNING OBJECTIVES & KEY DELIVERABLES: Management Lab and Business Skills (BM1202) Personal Competence Development Project (PDCP)¹ Fall 2023 The main objective of this self-directed course assignment is to help you

develop a practice of continuous improvement and growth in your life. Each project will be completely different from those of colleagues because it is specifically matched to each student's personal learning interests. You will be firmly in control from beginning to end. Here's an overview of the three main steps in this project assignment: Time & Project Management BAYES STEP 1: Select Two competencies you want to develop. Select TWO competencies from the following list. Make choices that best reflect who you are and what you want to achieve. Being proactive BUSINESS SCHOOL Networking Coaching Stress Management Teamwork Communication Delegation Perseverance & response to failure Giving Feedback Leadership in Action Managing Conflict Emotional Intelligence Seeking Feedback & Responding to it ¹This assignment is adapted from a project designed by Dr. Jean Adams. Growth Mindset Influencing Others STEP 2: Develop a Learning Plan to improve the selected competencies. Your challenge will be to improve both competencies (identified in step 1) between the beginning and end of the term. This will involve learning "content," applying the ideas to a "context” (i.e., real situations), reflecting on what's working and what's not ("double-loop learning"), and adapting the concepts learned to fit your specific situation. This becomes a dynamic process of continuous learning and personal skill improvement - much like an experiment where you try different things and record ideas and learning outcomes as you proceed. To meet the assignment criteria, you need to pay attention to the following components: CONTENT: You need to educate yourself about the selected competencies and how they can be improved. This requires some research on the books on the topic as well as web-based resources. 1 ● Consider resources such as Harvard Business Review, Huffington Post, California Management Review, LinkedIn Learning, etc. CONTEXT: Find, or create, situations where you can apply and practice the new things you are studying. Some of these practical learning opportunities will be offered in the tutorials (e.g., presentations; communication; managing conflict, and so on). You will, however, also need to go looking for appropriate learning contexts – such as getting involved in a student club, joining a professional association, volunteering outside university, contributing to a project that is underway or creating a new project especially tailored to meet your needs for this assignment. Consider working together with some of your colleagues to create meaningful projects where each person can develop the personal skills he or she has selected. EVIDENCE OF LEARNING IMPACT: Determine evidence that you can provide to prove that your skills have improved between the beginning and end of term. Consider the following questions as you plan for evidence of learning impact: How will others know that you have actually improved and/or developed new skills? What evidence do you need to present to substantiate your claims? For example, consider using before and after self-assessments, before and after resumes, a learning journal, survey responses, letters of recommendation, emails or notes directly related to the projects, pictures of events highlighting your role, and so on. Submit your proposal based on Step 1 and Step 2. Format: Complete the form in Appendix A and submit it on Moodle. STEP 3: Follow Your Learning Plan & Evaluate your progress and report learning outcomes in the final report. The final step in the assignment is to synthesize what you have accomplished and learned. This paper will reference both your formal learning plans and the informal learning that happened along the way. For example, you may have set out to develop teamwork skills and formulated a specific personal program for that, and then found you also needed to learn a lot about communication, conflict resolution and emotional intelligence. This is not unusual. Once you start developing one management competence, others will get developed almost as side effects. The key is to have a focus when you set out, and be open to the other learning opportunities that emerge. 2 Important Note! FINAL REPORT Guidelines: You are free to structure your final report in any from that you find most suitable. Use a format that creates a compelling case highlighting your accomplishments. ● You can't do this assignment the night before the due date! This project requires a proactive mindset where actions speak louder than words. It will require your continuous attention throughout the term. Weight: 45% of Final Mark Length: Maximum 25 pages (the body of the report should not exceed 2000 words) Essential Sections: ● Cover Page Table of Contents Body (Maximum 2000 words) Appendices o A copy of your approved proposal o Evidence of Learning Impact o Graphs to summarize the work done o Etc. Bibliography (cited work) – Use APA formatting guideline File type: pdf Page Layout: 1 inch (2.54 cm) margins Font Size: Legible 12-point font Line Spacing: 1.5-spaced Name: Sakir Ali APPENDIX A: PERSONAL COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT << PROJECT PROPOSAL >> Skills Seminar Group: 1. The selected competencies and the rational for your selection: Selected Competencies Record the rationale for your choice here 3 Competency 1: Teamwork Competency 2: Communication Selected Competencies 2. Preliminary ideas on content selection: Competency 1: Teamwork Competency 2: Communication I chose cooperation as a topic because it is essential to the success of any group or business. Understanding the dynamics of good teamwork can lead to increased productivity, creative solutions, and peaceful work settings in an increasingly collaborative world. I chose communication as my theme since it is the foundation of human relationship. Our ability to communicate influences the outcomes of discussions, feelings, and project collaborations. Understanding and mastering the art of communication is critical not just for personal relationships, but also for navigating and succeeding in the business environment. Selected Competencies Identify and list resources (books, online resources, etc.) to learn more about each competency Pervan, M., & Višić, J. (2012). Influence of firm size on its business success. Croatian Operational Research Review, 3(1), 213-223. Arslan, G., & Kivrak, S. (2008). Critical factors to company success in the construction industry. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 45(1), 43-46. Straus, S. E., Johnson, M. O., Marquez, C., & Feldman, M. D. (2013). Characteristics of successful and failed mentoring relationships: a qualitative study across two academic health centers. Academic medicine: journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 88(1), 82. Singh, K. (2011). Study of achievement motivation in relation to academic achievement of students. International Journal of Educational Planning & Administration, 1(2), 161-171. 3. Preliminary ideas about the context where you are thinking about applying your learning. Note: You can record as many different learning contexts as you wish - some may overlap. Record your preliminary ideas about the context(s) where you will likely choose to apply your learning for your competencies 4 Competency 1: Teamwork Competency 2: Communication List the selected competencies: 4. Preliminary ideas on the evidence of learning impact you want to collect: Note: Consider what you want to achieve and how you can provide proof of learning that clearly shows what you can do at the end of the term that you couldn't do when you came into the program. Teamwork During group projects when participant communication is crucial. By applying my teamwork abilities, I can ensure a cohesive approach to problem-solving, allow a more fluid project execution, and maximize the talents of each team member. Communication At meetings and presentations where successfully conveying information is essential. Effective communication may guarantee that all parties are on the same page with regard to their goals, assist prevent misunderstandings, and promote open discourse for constructive feedback. Record your preliminary ideas about the proof/evidence of learning you will likely be able to provide at the end of the project here A showcase of projects where my contributions were crucial in ensuring the success of the team. This can be presented in the form of case studies or project summaries that highlight the role of teamwork. Feedback from audience members or superiors on clarity and effectiveness of communication, and any recorded instances (e.g., videos of presentations, written documents) showcasing communication prowess. 5. Preliminary weekly Project Plan against which you will track learning progress: Note: This is a starting point only. It's meant to help you get off to a strong start on what you want to accomplish. Add more rows if needed to capture all of your ideas. 5/nINSTRUCTIONS Need to do assignment according to this outline, everything is included here. The body of the report should not exceed 2000 words (references appendix total around 12-16 Pages) File type: pdf Page Layout: 1 inch (2.54 cm) margins Font Size: Legible 12-point font Line Spacing: 1.5-spaced

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