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Modify your previous four-bar program to add velocity and acceleration analysis.

Additional Inputs: @2 (You may assume a2 = 0.)

Additional Outputs: @3, 04, a3, a4, Absolute velocity and acceleration of coupler point P. All

outputs should be tabulated for the entire range of 0₂.








(continued on next page)


Homework 5

ME 3313






Each programming submission should include the following:


Cover memo:

This memo should briefly summarize what you are submitting. Describe any known bugs or

incorrect answers.

Program listing:


The program must be documented. Make it easy for me to understand what is going on.

Sample run:

For each submission, show a sample run of the program using the following data:

R₁ = 0.6 m; R₂ = 0.2 m; R3 = 0.3 m; R4 = 0.4 m; Rp = 0.2 m; ßp = 35°; w2= 3 rad/s

Verification of answers:

It is important to verify your answers. In addition to the penalty for incorrect answers,

you can lose another 10% for not knowing that your answers are incorrect. There is no

excuse for not checking the validity of your numbers. Don't skip or skimp this part of the

assignment. You do not need to show verification for position data that was included in

the previous assignment. Include documentation verifying the following for 02-60° in the open configuration:

i. Angular velocities w3 and w4. Use a calculator to calculate the angular velocities using the

equations derived from loop closure derivatives. You can extract position data from your

program output. Note that this step verifies accuracy of implementation of the equations in the

program, but does not prove the results are reasonable.

ii. Angular accelerations a3 and a4. Use a calculator to calculate the angular accelerations using

the equations derived from loop closure derivatives. You can extract position and velocity data

from your program output. Note that this step verifies accuracy of implementation of the

equations in the program, but does not prove the results are reasonable.

iii. The absolute velocity of coupler point P. Use velocity difference equations to manually

calculate the absolute velocity of coupler point P. You can extract position and velocity data

from your program output. Note that this step verifies accuracy of implementation of the

equations in the program, but does not prove the results are reasonable.

iv. The absolute acceleration of coupler point P. Use acceleration difference equations to

manually calculate the absolute acceleration of coupler point P. You can extract position,

velocity, and acceleration data from your program output. Note that this step verifies accuracy

of implementation of the equations in the program, but does not prove the results are reasonable.

Grading scheme:

Implementation of program





Correct answers

Accurate report of

limitations, bugs, or errors 10%

Late policy: The standard late homework policy is 10% penalty within 24 hours of the due time.

For this computer assignment, the late penalty will be slightly modified as follows. If you have a

bug in your program or if your program is incomplete, acknowledge it in your cover memo and turn

it in on time. When you finish the program, turn a supplement for additional credit. The

supplement should clearly describe what has been done since the first submission. The amount of

additional credit will depend on how late it is and how drastic the modifications were.

Collaboration: As usual for this class, it is acceptable for you to work with your peers on this

assignment. You may discuss, compare results, help debug, etc. But you may not copy code or

solutions. All of your documentation must be your own work. Be able to fully explain anything you
