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n ht 1:27 5:06 Assignment Submissions / Submit Assignment Submit Assignment ent ECE/CDA-100 ONLINE WEEKEND LECTURE: 3/2/24-3/3/24 CHILD GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Ch Development 3 Subn Back Assignment 3 | Possible Teratogens: 10 points Possible Teratogens: 10 points This list of suspected teratogens contains many common items. Most babies are born without defects, so be an effective barrier. Additionally, the timing of the exposure to a teratogen is critical to its impact on pre development. Overall, more damage is likely early in the pregnancy when organ systems are developing. Diseases Chlamydia Pneumonia Gonorrhea Rubella (German Measles) Herpes Scarlet Fever HIV Syphilis Mumps Toxoplasmosis Tuberculosis Influenza Drugs Accutane Hexachlorophene Alcohol lodides Amphetamines Lithium Antibiotics LSD Opiates Aspirin Anti-cancer drugs Anticoagulant drugs Quinine Sedatives Barbiturates Smallpox Vaccination Caffeine Thalidomide Nicotine Tranquilizers Cocaine Vitamins in excess Diethylstilbestrol (DES) Marijuana Environmental Factors Cadmium Mercury Cat feces Nickel Fumes from paints, solvents, glues, dry-cleaning fluids, hair dyes Pesticides Insecticides Radiation (x-rays, video display terminals) Herbicides Manganese Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Lead Noninfectious Maternal Conditions Alcoholism Chemical dependency Phenylketonuria Rh+ factor Diabetes mellitus Anemia Stress Young/older mother Part 1: Choose a Teratogen to write about either from the list above or somewhere else. AA A 1:28 5:26 Environmental Factors Cadmium Nickel Mercury Cat feces. Fumes from paints, solvents, glues, dry-cleaning fluids, hair dyes Pesticides Insecticides Radiation (x-rays, video display terminals) Herbicides n Manganese Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Lead Noninfectious Maternal Conditions ht Alcoholism Chemical dependency Phenylketonuria Rh+ factor Anemia Stress Diabetes mellitus Young/older mother ent Part 1: Choose a Teratogen to write about either from the list above or somewhere else. Part 2: Write an Expository essay about the Teratogen chosen. The student will inform, describe, and ex Essay must be 1-2 pages in length, 5 paragraphs, 3-5 sentences per paragraph, written in APA format, in a minimum of at least one scholarly article to support the Teratogen being discussed, and provide a refer *Expository Essay Map will be under "Assignment 3" and "Literature Resources" *The role of terartogens in neural crest development Article provided for addtional reading and understan "Assignment 3" and "Literature Resources" Assignment 3| Possible Teratogens Assignment Grade Rubric Below Average 1-5 points Average 6-7 points Above Avera 8-10 points A summary of the chosen tetragon is provided, two or more of the areas are missing or lacking supporting evidence from a peer-reviewed scholarly article. A peer-reviewed scholarly article is not cited and referenced within the expository essay. The assignment does not meet the one- page length requirement. There are grammatical and spelling errors; exceeds 5 errors present. The assignment is not written in APA format. A summary of the chosen tetragon is provided, one of the areas is missing or lacking supporting evidence from a peer-reviewed scholarly article. A peer-reviewed scholarly article is cited and referenced within the expository essay. The assignment meets the one to two- page length requirement. There are grammatical and spelling errors; less than 5 errors. The assignment is written in APA format. A detailed su chosen tetra with support a peer-revie article. A peer-revie article is cite within the ex The assignm one to two-p requirement. There are no spelling erro The assignm APA format. The role of teratogens in neural crest development.pdf Assignment 3 Possible Teratogens Assignment Grade Rubric.pdf AA