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NOTE You need to do an interview of a family with a child between the ages of 3-5 and write a 6-page paper roughly using the guideline that I sent over. And I sent over a paper that I did previously about my family just in case anything is needed. Interview can be of an Indian child, just say that they are Indian but live in Boston. 1300 words, double spaced, prefinal level of writing./n ECHD 435 Family Interview Assignment Description: This assignment involves identifying and interviewing a family. This is an opportunity for the student to get a feeling for the day-to-day demands of parenting a young child. Students will reflect on the experience and include their feelings and analysis in the written portion of this assignment. General Guidelines: • 7-10 pages with one inch margins on all sides and double spaced • • • • 12-point font that is easily readable (i.e. times new roman) This is a formal paper so please include an introduction paragraph (outline the purpose of the paper) and conclusion paragraph (summarize the paper) Reference the readings when necessary (APA format please) Include your semi-structured interview questions as an appendix to this paper • Include a self-reflection There will be four sections of the paper: 1. Part 1: Gathering Basic Information from the Family • • Introduction paragraph Describe the family system, members, roles, and functions • Be detailed, include quotes when appropriate 2. Part 2: Focusing on Strengths and Priorities of the Family (This is the largest part of your paper) • Outline the strengths of the family system • Identify assets • Identify resources • Discuss those things that are available and used, as well as available and not used • • Be detailed, include quotes when appropriate • Identify priorities of the family - what are their goals, both short-term and long-term Include references and information presented within the course to connect to theory and research 3. Part 3: Discussion of Practice Based on the family's priorities, identify ways you might work with this family. Consider the following: о о Identify how you might leverage the family's strengths to build more capacity within the home Identify current resources that are underutilized or how you might connect to potential new resources for the family 4. Part 4: Reflecting on own learning Thinking about your own learning throughout the semester, reflect on how what we've read, discussed, and researched connects to this final assignment. ○ How has your self-awareness work affected your work and interaction with the family for this assignment? ○ How has your cultural competence work affected your work and interaction with the family for this assignment? Component Does Not Meet Expectations Beginning Developing Expected Completeness Assignment is Completed Completed Completed missing numerous assignment that components required reflects partial requirements assignment that reflects most requirement assignment that reflects all required components 20 Points Analysis: Identifies Strengths and Priorities of Family O Points Does not identify family strengths and priorities 20 Points O Points Does not connect Analysis: Connection to the interview Course Content evidence to the content presented in the course 1-11.9 Points Paper addresses the family strengths and priorities, but lacks evidence to support claims, ideas are unfocused, and/or writing is unclear 12-13.9 Points Paper addresses the family strengths and priorities, but evidence to support claims is cursory or unclear 14-15.9 Points Paper illustrates a clear picture of the family's strengths and priorities, and uses evidence to develop and confirm ideas Accomplished Exemplary Well written assignment that reflects all required components 16-17.9 Points Paper illustrates a clear picture of the family's strengths and priorities, discusses preconceptions and whether they were confirmed, and uses evidence to develop and confirm ideas 1-11.9 Points 12-13.9 Points 14-15.9 Points 16-17.9 Points Includes course content or citations in the paper, but does not connect the interview data to this content Connects interview evidence to the content presented in the course in a cursory way Demonstrates a adequate understanding of theories and research through connection to interview data Demonstrates a above average understanding of theories and research through connection to interview data Sophisticated and nuanced assignment that reflects all required components 18-20 Points Paper uses evidence to illustrate clear picture of the family's strengths and priorities, discuss preconceptions and whether they were confirmed, and develop ideas with complexity and critical thinking 18-20 Points Demonstrates a sophisticated and nuanced understanding of theories and research through connection to interview data 20 Points O Points 1-11.9 Points 12-13.9 Points 14-15.9 Points 16-17.9 Points 18-20 Points Discussion of Practice 20 Points Reflected on own learning throughout the semester Does not address implications for practice Presents implications for practice that are inappropriate or not supported by the interview data Presents appropriate but superficial or vague implications for practice Presents realistic and appropriate implications for practice supported by the interview data Presents realistic, appropriate and well written implications for practice supported by the interview data and connected to the course content Presents advanced implications for practice that are supported by the interview data and course content O Points 1-11.9 Points 12-13.9 Points 14-15.9 Points 16-17.9 Points 18-20 Points Did not provide Presents an reflection on own learning irrelevant or confusing reflection on own learning Presents a cursory reflection on own learning Presents an appropriate reflection on own learning Presents an appropriate reflection that demonstrates critical thinking on working with families Reflection articulates how the case study impacted knowledge, skills, and dispositions related to working with families 20 Points O Points 1-11.9 Points 12-13.9 Points 14-15.9 Points 16-17.9 Points 18-20 Points Total 0 Points 1-59 Points 60-69 points 70-79 Points 80-89 Points 90-100 Points