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. Open the file PlaneTransform2.m in an editor window. This file is a MATLAB function(sometimes also called a script, although that typically implies there are no inputs). Itessentially does the same things you can do by typing in commands sequentially, but it savesyou the trouble of retyping each time. The most important construction in the script is thefor loop. Each for loop creates an index vector, for ii = A:step:B and calculates everythingup to the end statement for each entry in the index vector. Use the MATLAB help to writedown what each command in the function does. You can copy and paste the text of thefunction from MATLAB. Then, type what each lines does at the end of the line after a %symbol. (This will get you used to using the % symbol for commenting code.) Alternatively,you can print out the code on the following page and write the explanations by hand.

Fig: 1