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Over the course of the semester you will be conducting an observation on an event of your

choosing. It may NOT be an event that is part of THIS class or any other class for which you

are receiving credit. And, you MUST attend the event THIS semester. The purpose of this

assignment is to focus your learning on event operations, participant behavior, and event

marketing/public relations. There are MANY types of events. For this assignment, the

allowable categories are:

*Ethnic cultural street festivals

*Sports/Games tournaments

*Sports races *Food-oriented events

*Fine arts productions

*Age-specific oriented events

*Issue/cause awareness events

*Sporting 1 day events- (not games that are part of league play, such as football, basketball

or baseball) *Holiday-related (not a family holiday)

*Weddings or religious special ceremonies (250+ people) Not your own

*Retail-related (e.g. new product, store opening, promotional) Event

For the event you attend you are to focus your attention on the following aspects:

Marketing How do people find out about the event? Be specific as to the media and

methods used. You WILL need to RESEARCH THIS!

Are these means effective? Why or why not.

What special methods (e.g., promotions, gimmicks) were used to attract and inform people?

Where they effective? Why or why not.

Fig: 1