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Page 1 of 9 > + УК Як The Assessment Pre-application Planning Report Please see below a site plan showing the boundary of the application site marked with a red line: " Joinery College Street Bridge 5 L 15 5 311 L Grand Union Canal What REACHVEN CLOSE 29 to 44 Constadio a Depot Gray's n Bridge t Pancras Commerci 0 10 20 30 40 50 SCALE BAR You will act as a local authority planning officer and prepare a pre-application advice report for a developer who is seeking planning advice on the proposed redevelopment of a site in the London Borough of Camden. Your report will outline the stages involved in submitting and processing the planning application, explain the relevant planning policy (stick to Camden Local Policy), highlight any other planning considerations that might be relevant, and give an opinion the likelihood of receiving planning permission for the development as proposed by the developer. The coursework should be written as a letter to the developer on the attached pre- application template which is in the assessment folder, however you may wish to break the letter down by headings in order to relay the required information and answer the questions. This is a formal letter written on behalf of the council, so your writing style should express professionalism and be helpful to the developer in terms of their questions which you will find on the cover letter within the Coursework 2 folder. Whilst it is up to you to decide how the letter is formatted, some suggested headings may consist of the following: • Site Description; • Proposal; • The application process; • Relevant Policies; Page 2 • Material Considerations An opinion on the acceptability of the scheme based upon the information given to you. Are there any suggestions which may assist the scheme? Submission of Assessment 2 The Pre-application Planning report will comprise an individual written report covering the matters indicated above. The report should include an executive summary, table of contents and list of figures and tables, in-text referencing and list of references at the end (in accordance with Harvard style), appendices (e.g. comparable data, etc). The individual report will be word-processed (or text based pdf) and in English and should be approximately 2,500 words in length (+/- 10% excluding cover page, executive summary, table of contents and any in text tables or figures (diagrams), list of references and ☑ [b]/nPage 1 of 9 > + > K ЯК The Pre-application Planning report will comprise an individual written report covering the matters indicated above. The report should include an executive summary, table of contents and list of figures and tables, in-text referencing and list of references at the end (in accordance with Harvard style), appendices (e.g. comparable data, etc). The individual report will be word-processed (or text based pdf) and in English and should be approximately 2,500 words in length (+/- 10% excluding cover page, executive summary, table of contents and any in text tables or figures (diagrams), list of references and appendices). The report should include full supporting evidence and referencing should follow the Westminster Harvard referencing style. The Pre-application Planning report will be assessed out of 100% and carries 50% of the overall module mark. Reports should be submitted via the module's Blackboard site (Assessment / Submit Coursework / Turnitin link) on Thursday, May 2nd 2024 by 13:00. The written Pre-application Planning report addresses Learning Outcomes LO4 and LO5, as follows: 4. Demonstrate a deep and systematic understanding of the role of town planning and its interrelationship with other professions (e.g. Historic Environment; Transport, Housing, Natural Environment etc) and systematic processes (e.g. Appeals Process, enforcement process). 5. Utilise ideas and information in innovative ways in order to decide the type of planning conditions and obligations which may be required in managing the impacts of development. Please find a short video explaining this assignment via the following link: tbc Assessment criteria The assessment criteria and weightings show you what is important in the assessment and how marks are shared across each criterion. When you are completing your assessment remember you need to fulfil the brief and the assessment criteria below. At the end of this document, we have provided you a more detailed marking grid, which describes both the expectation for each criterion and how marks would be awarded based upon performance. Criterion Identification of planning policies and material considerations: An understanding of the main planning factors in the creation and alteration of the built environment. Weighting 40% Includes: correct identification of the planning policies and other material considerations relevant to the proposal. Understanding of the panning process, legislation and planning Page | 3 considerations: An understanding of how the spatial planning system works in practice and of the various stages involved in taking a development scheme through the planning process. Includes: an accurate description of the planning process, the correct identification of the relevant primary and secondary legislation applicable to the scheme, the ability to 'weigh up' the planning considerations to come to a sensible conclusion. 30% Analysis of public and private sector roles and contributions: An ability to analyse the respective roles of the public and private sectors in the implementation of local plans, policies and development projects. Includes: recognition of the local Council's wider priorities, an understanding of the role of developer contributions (Section 106 agreements). 10% Presentation and Referencing: An ability to produce a clear and well- structured report, with good English and grammar, and with appropriate references (Harvard City Them Right style) and evidence to substantiate arguments. Includes: appropriate reference to planning policy documents and a professional writing style appropriate to the target audience. 20% ☑ [b]

Fig: 1

Fig: 2