you will use for packet capture. (Administrator privileges may be required for this.) Capture Filters: Configure capture filters to limit the capture to specific network layer protocols (e.g., IP, ICMP) or IP addresses if necessary. You may use the default settings to capture all traffic. Part 2: Capturing Network Traffic Capture Network Traffic: Capture network traffic for a specific duration (e.g., 10 minutes) while performing various activities on your computer, such as web browsing, downloading files, or using specific applications. Part 3: Analyzing Captured Packets Filter and Sort: Use Wireshark's filtering and sorting capabilities to narrow down the captured packets to the network layer (Layer 3) packets. Identify and analyze these packets. Protocol Identification: Identify and analyze network layer protocols used in the captured packets, such as IPv4, ICMP, or IPv6. Discuss the purpose of each protocol and its role in the network. IP Address Analysis: Identify the source and destination IP addresses in the captured packets. Look for patterns or trends and highlight any unusual IP addresses./nAdditional Question for Graduate and Honor Students: Advanced Network Performance Analysis: Select a specific network layer protocol identified in your capture and perform an in-depth performance analysis. Calculate performance metrics such as round-trip time (RTT), packet loss, and bandwidth utilization. Discuss the implications of your performance analysis on network efficiency and reliability. Part 4: Report and Analysis Create a Report: Write a detailed report that includes the following: Description of the activities performed during packet capture. Number of packets captured and any significant observations. Analysis of the network layer packets and the roles of identified protocols. Details of source and destination IP addresses and their relevance. Discussion: Reflect on the importance of the network layer in the OSI model and its role in routing and forwarding packets across networks. Discuss how analyzing network layer packets can be valuable for network troubleshooting and security monitoring. Submission: Submit your report as a PDF document, including any relevant screenshots or Wireshark capture files, via the designated submission method.
Fig: 1
Fig: 2