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Perform an in-depth analysis of the Laudon & Laudon Chapter 14 End-of-Chapter mini-case on "Pennsylvania's Unemployment Compensation Modernization System: Unfinished Business". You should draw on all relevant information presented in the

course. The write-up should be not more than three single-spaced pages. Do not do the questions listed at the end of the mini-case in the book, rather address the following: 1. Assess the rationale and importance of the Unemployment Compensation Modernization System project for the state of Pennsylvania. 2. Classify and describe the problems encountered by the UCMS projects from the perspective of organizational, technological, and financial issues that made the project a challenge to implement the new system successfully. 3. Why was unemployment compensation modernization a risky project in Pennsylvania? Identify and list the key risk factors. For each risk factor, briefly describe what could have been done to mitigate the risks of this project.

Fig: 1