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Pick a large company (e.g., General Electric, Ford Motors, General Electric, Wal-Mart, McDonald's,

American Airlines, etc.,) and answer the following questions:

1. What is the business the company is involved in?

2. What is the specific micro-environment for this company?

3. What is the specific macro-environment for this company?

4. Which external environmental factors affect the business (positively and negatively)? And how?

5. Who are the consumers of the products/services of this company, and how do they buy the buy?

6. What is the profile of the company's customers?

7. How would the company conduct a market opportunity analysis?

8. How would the company select a marketing strategy based on the market opportunity analysis?

9. What market segments is the company serving?

10. What products/services is the company marketing? Domestically, and Internationally?

11. What are the different brands of the company?

12. How does the company's domestic marketing differ from its international marketing?

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