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Please fill in the blanks with the word(s). as per ourdiscussions in class. The universe consists of the___ plus the _____ b. The Dutchman shown to the left received the 1913 Nobel Prize for his pioneering work in cryogenics. His greatest contribution to our class (so far) has been the Virial Expansion to describe the PVT behavior of real gasses. His name was (first and last): c. The photograph to the right shows another Dutchman at about the time that he defended his thesis in which he proposed the first Cubic Equation of State. He went on to study the Critical Point and to propose Corresponding States Theory. He received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1910. His name was (first and last): d. Please name the world-wide socioeconomic event that motivated the study of steam engines and ultimately to the science of thermodynamics. e. The Scotsman depicted to the right, did not invent the steam engine. However, beginning in May 1765, he made a number of significant improvements to the Newcomen steam engine that made steam engines more efficient. Ten years later, in partnership with Matthew Boulton, he began selling engines with his improved design. He developed the concept of horsepower to rate his engines. (A practice we still employ.)The SI unit for power is named in his honor. Please given his first and last name.

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