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Problem 2 (40 points)

The figure shows a simplified version of a device to stretch

cables using thermal expansion, where a rod made of

material 1, which can be assumed to remain in the elastic

regime, is cooled as needed to produce tension in the cables

made of material 2, which can be assumed to remain at

constant temperature. If L₁=1 m, L₂=75 mm, E₁ = 200 GPa,

α1 = 25x10-6/°C, diameter 1 = 25 mm, and diameter 2 = 5

mm, determine:

a. The change in temperature needed in material 1 to

take material 2 to its yield stress o = 200 MPa.

Take E₂ = 70 GPa.

b. The change in temperature needed in material 1 to

take material 2 to a stress of 1.15*,. The stress-

strain curve for material 2 is shown below.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2