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Q13: Scenario: Jane received a letter in the mail that contained a solicitation message from a local clothing collection charity. In addition to the message, the charity appended a gift in the envelope; hand made holiday cards. Opening this piece of mail brought her joy and uplifted her spirits. Jane is contemplating donating to this charity and is weighing the pros and cons. On the one hand, she would have to go through all of her clothing, bag it up, and deliver it to the charity. On the other hand, she knows that she will feel good about doing this good deed to help others, she will have less clothes to organize, and probably would feel guilty if she kept the cards but didn't 1. A) Using social exchange theory, explain how Jane will weigh in on her decision on whether to donate or not and which types of rewards and motivators could propel her to donate 2. B) Using social norm theory, explain why Jane may be more inclined to donate

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3