as √N, where N is the number of times the measurement is repeated and averaged together. This strategy is predicated on the assumption that the "noise" components are normally distributed. Q3: Measure/calculate the distance between the microphone and the speaker. Use the time delay between the averaged reference and microphone signal to estimate the soundspeed of air. Explain your process./nPart I: Study the effect of averaging on signal to noise ratio In this part, we are going to explore how averaging can drastically improve signal to noise ratio of a measurement, and enable observations that would not have been otherwise possible. To start, make sure your scanning stage is positioned near the origin of the coordinate system (a couple centimeters from the corner in each axis) etched into the base plate of your scanning stage. Ask for help from the TAS for repositioning, if the stage is not already positioned there. To reduce the signal amplitude, and simulate a lower signal to noise ratio condition, insert a voltage divider (composed of two, 1 kn resistors) directly following pin 9, before it goes to the speaker and oscilloscopes. This will reduce the voltage output from pin 9 by half. PC/ MATLAB Arduino Oscilloscope Pin 9 Chi GND GND RAMBO Che Power Supply 5V R=1k0 R Make sure the oscilloscope has the following settings: AC measurement mode on Channels 1 and 2 Microphone Figure 3: Lab 5 Part 1 wiring diagram with voltage divider inserted between Arduino output and speaker. Speaker - BW limit on for the reference channel (Channel 1) Trigger of 70 mV rising edge, witn "normal" sweep setting, for the reference channel (Channel 1) 6 Make sure your Matlab code is synchronized for the ports and names of your two Arduinos and oscilloscope (yellow highlighted regions). In the yellow highlighted "parameters to set" section of your Matlab code, set the pointsx and pointsy variables to 1 and the Navg variable to 64. This will allow you to conduct a running average of 64 acquisitions at the same position.
Fig: 1
Fig: 2