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Draw the per phase, per unit equivalent circuit for the system shown in Figure. 1.

The system MVA base is 100 MVA and the voltage base is 220 kV on the high voltage

transmission line section.

The equipment nameplate data is given below:

G1: 50 MVA, 13.8 kV, X = 15%

G2: 25 MVA, 14.4 kV, X = 15%

T1: 60 MVA, 13.8: 230 kV, X = 10%

T2: 30 MVA, 230: 13.8 kV, X = 10%

Line 1: 10+j100 Ohm

Line 2: 5+j50 Ohm

Line 3: 5+j50 Ohm

Load: 75 MVA, 0.9pf lagging

Fig: 1