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Question 2

A dodecahedron is a regular polyhedron with 12 pentagonal faces. It is one of the 5 possible

3-dimensional shapes where every face is the same and every corner looks the same, known

as a Platonic solid. The other Platonic Solids are 4 sided (tetrahedron), 6 sided (cube), 8

sided (octahedron) and 20 sided (icosahedron).

A dice was made from a dodecahedron, and the faces were numbered 1 to 12. This dice was

rolled once. We call the number from a 12-sided dice a "d12".

(a) Calculate the mean and variance of the d12.

(6 marks)


A game involves a board with a series of numbered squares (Numbers 1 to 200), and

players take turns rolling a 12-sided die and moving their game piece forward along

the squares based on the number rolled. For example, if a player rolls a 4, they move

their piece forward 4 squares. In other words, this is a snake and ladder game without

any complicated rules such as the snakes and ladders.

Calculate the average number of d12 rolls needed to reach the 200th square.





(2 marks)

We decided to change the rules of the game. Now, instead of d12, we will roll the d12

twice, and pick the larger number. For example,

if we rolled 1 and 6, 6 will be selected.

if we rolled 12 and 2, 12 will be selected.

If we rolled 1 and 1, then 1 will be selected.

Compute the probability of obtaining each of the numbers from 1 to 12 by filling up

this table:






6 7 8 9 10

11 12

(6 marks)

What is the average number of rolls needed to reach the 200th square under this


(6 marks)

Fig: 1