Section 6.6. Answering this question Include a copy of your completed "Personal development action plan' form in your TMA 02 zip file. Note: this is not the same as the PDP that you submitted in TMA 01. Do not resubmit your PDP. Marks You will be awarded up to 10 marks for reflection on and engaging with the planning process as specified in Activity 6.21 and submitting your completed 'Personal development action plan' form as part of TMA 02. TMA 02 checklist Before you submit your TMA, use the following checklist to check that you have included all elements No, where can I find guidance? Read the guidance notes for the TMA Read the Assessment Guide to check you have included everything. Have I: Saved my solution document as a word-processed document Saved my OU Build files with the correct names Completed my PDP file Solution documents should be produced as a word- processed document that can be opened with Microsoft Word, for example, a .doc, .docx or a.rtf file extension. All OU Build files should have a .sb2 extension. There should be one file for each question with the naming convention TM111_02_Qx_Pl.sb2 where the x is replaced with the question number and the Pl with your OU personal identifier. Alternatively, you may use your OUCU instead of your Pl. Complete your Personal Development Action Plan which is part of Activity 6.21 in Block 1 Part 6 Section 6.6. Note: this is not the same as the PDP that you submitted in TMA 01. Do not resubmit your PDP./nAdded the required files to my zip file Ensure that you are submitting: Solution document OU Build file for Questions 1-4 Personal Development Action Plan. Please make sure that the zipped file has the zip Ensured that the zip file is in the correct extension (and not others such as .rar or .7zip) so the format and has a zip format online TMA handler will extract your files properly. More help can be found in the assessment guide. All rights including copyright in these materials are owned or controlled by The Open University and are protected by copyright in the United Kingdom and by international treaties worldwide. In accessing these materials, you agree that you may only use the materials for your own personal non-commercial use. WEB 12874 3 13.1 You are not permitted to copy, broadcast, download, store (in any medium), transmit, show or play in public, adapt or change in any way these materials, in whole or in part, for any purpose whatsoever without the prior written permission of The Open University. 16/11/23
Fig: 1
Fig: 2