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Question Paper #1 Paper #1 is about a popular Hollywood movie and how you can connect it to our textbook, specifically Chapter 05. You will watch the blockbuster movie called "Eye

in the Sky"; you may watch on any format you choose, but it is free from the UND Library. Here's a permalink to the library copy: https://ezproxy.library libraries across the US. You may be prompted to enter your UND Credentials at some point (Blackboard name and password). (It is also available on Amazon Prime) Paper (attached as .docx or .pdf) Du . Watch the movie "Eye in the Sky." Pick two characters by name (not the actors' names). • Elaborate the leadership ethical dilemma(s) that each character went through during the movie and how you might have reacted in their place. Please include two quotations (from the movie) from each of the characters to help frame their dilemma or reaction, using quotation marks and the approximate time in the film, such as (38:15) for a quotation at the 38 minute, 15 second time. • Include AT LEAST two quotations from our textbook Chapter 05, and at minimum one should frame the character's actions using the "BASE Model" (pages XXXXX) See the videos (and definitions in your textbook) for more on Utilitarianism ( and Deontology/Kant's Categorical Imperative ( before using those terms (which are SUPER ENCOURAGED!) Your paper will be run through a plagiarism detector called SafeAssign. You NEED a Works Cited or Bibliography. No particular style of formatting is expected (MLA, APA, etc.--doesn't matter) but work hard to make clear what words are yours and what words came from others. First person "I" is expected. came from of A grading rubric will be given. A minimum of 600 original words are expected. Thi exclud title, name, Works Cited, page numbers, class name, and any other filler material. I expect that student MIGHT choose to use Al software to craft their essay; Lprefer you not use it as I'm interested in your critical thinking--not one from another source. However, learning to use Al is an emerging skill (remember the 5Es from Chapter 03; engage digitally). Be aware of the limits of ChatGPT: • If you provide minimum effort prompts, you will get low quality results. You would need to refine your prompts in order to get good outcomes. This will take work (and therefore time). • Don't trust anything it says. If it gives you a number or fact, assume it is wrong unless you either know the answer or can check with another source. You are responsible for any errors or omissions provided by the tool. It works best for topics you understand. Al is a tool, but one you need to acknowledge using. Please include a paragraph at the end (which does not count for the minimum original word count; it is extra) of any assignment that uses Al explaining what you used the Al for and what prompts you used to get the results. Failure to do so is in violation of our academic integrity agreement. • I'm looking for your effort to use the sources assigned (movie and book) ONLY. Random quotations from sources outside our class scope will clue me in that this is not original writing. For this assignment, the only sources I accept are that of the movie & book, videos included in MY lectures or lessons including the above two on Utilitarianism and Deontology, and any Al you disclose. I do expect that quotations from the movie will match outside sources, like IMDB, so you are free to use that source for the movie quotations; just disclose it as a Works Cited at the end. Your words may also match quotations from the student resources cite of our textbook. If you're using 7 or more words in a row, the words MUST be in quotation marks and therefore do not count as original words. Rubric (based on AACU Written Communication Rubric (Nation-wide and Essential Studies approved) 90-100% Under 60% 60-90% Passing Level A-level Does not meet expectations Awareness of content, audience, and purpose. Little or no attention to content, audience, or purpose. Goes May have concerns about student's on unrelated tangents or does not cover the writing prompt Up to 20 understanding of issues. adequately. Ideas are too simple and don't delve into the subject matter. Fails to use consistent system. Attempt at source material but disorganized, inconsistent, or uncited. Demonstrates consideration of content, audience, and purpose. Click on "View Full Text" and it will take you to an application called "Kanopy," which is a video-streaming service for Uses appropriate, relevant, and compelling content. Strong organization, presentation, and stylistic choices Consistent appropriate use of sources and cited as such. Obvious sense of originality. Uses straightforward language that conveys meaning. Comments Uses some supportive content or vocabulary through most of the work. Follows expectations of organization & style. Uses some sources and/or cited appropriately. Uses language that generally conveys meaning Uses language that impedes meaning because of errors. but has errors. Comments Comments Points Earned Up to 20 Up to 20 All Bookmarks Up to 20 Up to 20 Your Score (up to 100)

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