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RPN <| __/| |\ | You have to write a program that does an RPN calculator. 2 3 4 is the same thing as (2+3)*4 Rules: 1) Every time you read an int in from cin, it gets pushed on a stack of ints. 2) Every time you read an operation in from cin, it will pop off two elements from the stack, do the computation, and push the result back. You must support the following operations: +,−,*,/,%,^ 3) If they type "E", then if and only if the stack has exactly ONE element on it, print the value on the stack, otherwise die. 4) You must do error checking operation, - if the stack gets emptied out by an die. If they type E with the size of the stack not equal to one, die. If they don't type E ever, then die. (I.e. all input must have at least one E in it.) To die, print "BAD INPUT!" and quit. The die() function is written for you. Note: You can use either the standard library stack class or write your own. Correctness is worth 5 points. The other 5 points comes from writing your own test cases. You can either make a bunch of files called inputfileð inputfilel, etc., with matching outputfile, outputfilel and use ./ to test it, or you can use GTEST to make test cases. Either way, you must have 100% code coverage, and do at least 20 tests. Submit the inputfiles or GTEST code on Canvas.