type of search pattern to be used along with methods of recording the scene. 15% of total grade Identify the name and describe the different types of evidence that may be found and their proper collection and preservation procedures. 20% of total grade Identify the procedures for securing and searching the scene, including crime scene safety. 25% of total grade Mechanics. 10% of total grade Assignment Content Congratulations! (Make pretend) You have been chosen to participate in the future crime scene investigator program. You participated in a ride-along with a team of crime scene investigators and want to share what you learned with the class. Please prepare nine slides using Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation proposing forensic evidence to be identified and collected while investigating a hypothetical crime of your choice. {https://www.facebook.com/Best.Brain.Teasers/posts/a-robbery-happened-on-a-snowy-day-and-all-four- suspects-claimed-they-were-at-hom/4286397378049832/) Address the following in your presentation: 1. A list of all crime scene team members who are usually present at scenes and their roles 2. An explanation of the type of search pattern to be used, along with methods of recording the scene 3. An explanation of the types of evidence that may be found and their proper collection and preservation procedures 4. The procedures for securing and searching the scene to include crime scene safety Include detailed speaker notes. Format your presentation according to APA guidelines. Makeup names, with roles, nothing special; this is fictional. Thanks