topic so student need 2 files, 1 for topic 1 and other for topic 2 Guidelines : You need to submit 4 references APA style relevant to this topic (separate file, you can see the sample attached in the references sections) You need to provide 17 pages because it says in the brief that 4 pages to each source You can used just one type of sources Journal and need 3 more different like article, academic website, textbook. (You need to provide the source file on 27th Nov 12pm. If you still have any doubt then get it clear with us) what to submit on 28th 12 pm : 2 completed essay on given 2 topics of 1000 words each/n IFOACA Assessment Brief: Essay Module code and title: Assignment Title: Assignment type: Submission deadline: Assignment Task: LO 1 Write an essay on the following topic: LO 2 LO 4 IFOACJ Academic Skills LO 5 Written Essay Summative ● 1 Task Requirements: Module Convenor: Assessment weighting (%): Mode: Learning Outcomes: This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievements of the following module learning outcomes. Feedback due: Mr Robert Pitt Summative Assessment - Written Essay 25% Individual "Critically evaluate one academic area from one of your IFP modules." University of Reading Tuesday 2nd January 2024 Produce written work which is well-organised, relevant and makes use of appropriate terminology and academic style. Demonstrate good academic writing skills. Identify problems, apply their knowledge and skills in finding solutions and evaluate these solutions. Interpret and analyse a range of information beyond mere description. You are required to write an essay that critically evaluates one academic area from one of your IFP modules. Your essay should demonstrate both knowledge of relevant skills and concepts from the following topics studied in Term 1. You must also demonstrate the ability to apply these skills appropriately to the essay topic: Essay writing: appropriate essay structure; organisation and language Research and online sources, referencing and avoiding plagiarism: appropriate use of sources to support ideas; correct in-text references and reference list IFOACA 2023/24 - Term 1 IFOACA Assessment Brief: Essay Assessment Criteria: (see below for detailed marking criteria) Your work will be assessed on the extent to which it demonstrates your achievement of the stated learning outcomes for this assignment (see above) and against other key criteria as outlined below. Criteria Details Content & Evaluation Organisation Use of Sources Referencing Language Submission mode Submission item requirements 2 C1. Can understand and address all parts of the question C2. Can clearly state & develop your stance / thesis C3. Can discuss relevant ideas in some depth & consider other points of view Submission mode and feedback details: *** University of Reading 01. Can organise a written response that is appropriate to your thesis and provides a logical flow of ideas (global) 02. Can write paragraphs with a clear focus, logical sequencing of ideas (local) 03. Can write an introduction & conclusion appropriate to your thesis / essay question. U1. Can identify key information in texts to support your argument U2. Can use effective paraphrase and quotation U3. Can interpret & incorporate sources appropriately to support academic argument R1. Can acknowledge sources accurately using appropriate in-text and end-of- text referencing conventions L1. Can demonstrate range of appropriate vocabulary to express ideas comprehensively L2. Can write with degree of accuracy, not impeding meaning L3. Can apply appropriate style and language register to the task. Weighting Summative Assessment - Written Essay 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Turnitin Submission Upload your assignment as an MS Word document to the submission point on Blackboard: Assessment > Term 1 Assessments > Assessment Submissions > Summative Assessment: Written Essay Document type: MS Word • Word/ length limit: 1000 words (maximum) Font: Times New Roman or Arial Text size: 12 Line spacing: double • Referencing style: use APA referencing style (7th edition) to reference your work. This information is also available in Blackboard. • Coversheet required?: no IFOACA 2023/24 - Term 1 IFOACA Assessment Brief: Essay Moderation Extenuating circumstances Late submission penalty Technical issues with submission Academic Misconduct and Plagiarism University of Reading The mark for this assignment is provisional and may be subject to moderation by an internal moderator or External Examiner. If something serious happens that impacts your completion of this assignment, you must follow the Extenuating Circumstances procedure. You can contact your Academic Tutor to discuss this process in more detail. The University policy statement on penalties for late submission can be found at You must report technical faults with Blackboard immediately. If a system fault is not verified, a late submission penalty will apply. • The University Policy on Academic Integrity and Academic Misconduct applies. • Academic Misconduct and Plagiarism may be different in a UK University from school or other contexts. You must make sure that you reference sources using appropriate conventions. • We use Turnitin to generate similarity reports to find matches with the internet. Each time you submit a piece of work on Blackboard, you are making a formal declaration that the work is your own Full details can be found here. Summative Assessment - Written Essay IFOACA 2023/24 - Term 1 Evaluation (20%) Content Organisation (20%) Use of Sources (20%) Referencing (20%) Language (20%) IFOACA Academic Skills - Written Essay Assessment Criteria Subskills C1. Can understand and address all parts of the question C2. Can clearly state & develop your stance / thesis C3. Can discuss relevant ideas in some depth & consider other points of view 80 - 100% *well-focused and clear; task fully met and fulfilled beyond expectations *stance is clear, consistent & well- justified; presents a complex position *complex ideas in depth; effective analysis and evaluation 01. Can organise a written response that is appropriate to your thesis and provides a logical flow of ideas (global) 02. Can write paragraphs with a clear focus, logical sequencing of ideas (local) 03. Can write an introduction & conclusion (I&C) appropriate to your thesis / essay question. U1. Can identify key information in texts to support your argument U2. Can use effective paraphrase and quotation U3. Can interpret & incorporate sources appropriately to support academic argument R1. Can acknowledge sources accurately using appropriate in-text and end- of-text referencing conventions L1. Can demonstrate range of appropriate vocabulary to express ideas comprehensively L2. Can write with degree of accuracy, not impeding meaning L3. Can apply appropriate style and language register to the task. *overall structure clear and well-considered; links between ideas very clear and logical; excellent control of cohesive devices *paragraphs are skilfully organised and developed throughout *I&C are extremely effective & skilfully enhance overall argument *sources integrated seamlessly; sophisticated comments; *highly competent paraphrase and quotation *highly effective support; 4 academic sources used *highly proficient control of a range of in-text and end-of-text referencing techniques for primary and secondary sources *wide range of vocabulary used precisely with sophistication; very high level of accuracy; highly competent use of academic style 70-79% *focused and clear; task fully met *stance is clear, consistent and generally well justified *complex ideas in some depth; analysis and evaluation *overall structure clear; logical links between ideas; controlled use of cohesive devices *paragraphs are well- organised and developed *I&C are very focused and closely related to the main body *sources well-integrated; effective comments; *very competent paraphrase and quotation *effective support; 4 academic sources used *mostly proficient control of a range of in- text and end-of-text referencing techniques for primary and secondary sources *wide range of vocabulary with some sophistication; high level of accuracy; occasional errors; competent use of academic style 60-69% *mostly focused and clear; task satisfactorily met *stance is clear and mostly consistent & well-justified *complex ideas adequate with some detail; some analysis and evaluation *overall structure mostly clear; links between ideas mostly logical; adequate use of cohesive devices *paragraphs are usually well-organised and developed, occasional lack of focus/relevance *I&C are clear and related to main body *sources mostly well- integrated; comments given in most cases; *good attempts to use paraphrase and quotation *mostly effective support; 3-4 academic sources used *demonstrates good in-text and end-of-text referencing skills; some minor inaccuracies or omissions *good range of vocabulary with some variety & precision; minor errors in more complex structures; Evidence of style 50-59% *message identifiable, not always clear or focused; task satisfactorily met for the most part *stance is reasonably clear, but occasionally not consistent or sufficiently justified (may be simple) *some relevant ideas but detail limited; some evaluation but largely descriptive and/or lacking analysis *some evidence of overall structure, not always clear; links between ideas not always logical; cohesive devices though some problems *some paragraphs organised and developed, while others are not *I&C are generally clear & related to the main body *sources at times appropriately integrated; some comment but not consistent; *some attempts at paraphrase and quotation, but insufficient changes *some good support; 2-3 academic sources used *demonstrates some good basic in-text and end-of- text referencing conventions; inaccuracies are minor *adequate range of vocabulary to express some complex ideas buts lack variety; minor errors frequent; evidence of academic style with some lapses 40-49% *message unclear in places or lacks focus; task minimally met *stance is identifiable, but inconsistent and insufficiently justified *little detail or no complexity; little evaluation & analysis, some explanation or opinion, mainly descriptive *overall structure is difficult to discern; links between ideas not always logical; limited range of basic cohesive devices - may be incorrect *many paragraphs not clearly organised, few ideas developed *I&C may be unclear or lack connection with main body *ability to integrate sources and comment limited; *attempts to use paraphrase and quotation, author's original meaning unclear/misunderstood *inconsistent use of source material; over-reliance on 1 or 2 sources *inconsistent control of in- text and end-of-text referencing skills; frequent inaccuracies *adequate range of vocabulary to express ideas but lacks variety & precision; errors are frequent & may impede meaning; some evidence of academic style Last modified 24/03/2023 39 -20% *message hard to follow; task fails to address some important aspects *stance may be identifiable, but not clear, consistent or justified *very little/no detail or complexity; no evaluation or analysis; simple ideas & almost entirely descriptive *no logical or coherent structure; links between ideas are not logical; only frequently occurring cohesive devices used *paragraphing not used; most ideas not developed *I&C are likely to be unclear & poorly related to the main body *limited attempts to paraphrase, integrate sources; may misrepresent original meaning, or result in plagiarism *limited use of academic sources; makes very little use of them or over relies on them *lacks basic control of in- text and end-of-text referencing skills; references are largely missing *limited range of vocabulary; little control of grammar; errors fairly intrusive; little evidence of academic style 19 - 0% *content unclear; hard to judge relevance to the task *hard to identify any stance or argument *ideas are simplistic / superficial and not developed *little or no identifiable structure *paragraphing not used; ideas not linked *erratic or weak cohesion *I&C are hard to identify *clear evidence of plagiarism if sources are used *little or no source material selected or used *little or no evidence of in- text and end- of-text referencing skills *language used only at a very basic level with much repetition; errors frequent; impedes meaning; style not discernible
Fig: 1