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Student selected Princess Tower Assignment 1 (this contributes 20% to your overall module mark) Details The aim of the coursework is to demonstrate your ability to evaluate, compare and contrast risk

using a fire risk assessment methodology and to show how differing methods of analysing risk can yield differing results for the same building. In order to complete this assignment successfully you will produce, present and defend poster that addresses the following: As a fire risk assessor your task is to advise the building management company about the fire risks in the tall building allocated to you. You will evaluate the fire risks and hazards using guidance contained in PAS79 2020 and the 5x5 risk matrix approach. You will carry out an evaluation based on 5 key aspects of the fire risk in the building and include appropriate control measures to reduce the risk to an acceptable level. You will compile and present your findings on an A3 poster (which we can print for you) you will then defend during the class on 12th December 2023. All the class posters will be posted on the walls of the room and you will have the chance to question your peers about their posters. Assessors will view each poster and ask you questions about your poster and they will be interested to hear your observations, comparisons and justifications. This is your opportunity to showcase (defend) your findings. Remember that your evaluation of the risks is important for helping the building management company arrive at informed decisions about fire risk to the owner or occupiers of the building. Learning outcomes This assessment will test your ability to meet the learning outcomes as described in your module descriptor, specifically: 1. Employ a range of qualitative and quantitative methods for application to risk assessment 2. Critically evaluate a risk assessment 3. Assess relevant documents and communicate the essential and important points

Fig: 1