principles of training to develop a personal exercise program with appropriate mode/intensity/frequency to develop the students' own health and fitness. 7. Apply the current dietary guidelines to develop a personal diet plan for the maintenance of the students' own health. Written, Individual Length: 1500 words (excluding reference list, tables, and figures). Anything over this limit will not count towards your assignment. Please list your wordcount at the end of your paper. Submission date 4pm Submission method Layout: Double line spacing in Arial 12-point font. The assignment should contain four parts: 1) Introduction 2) Goal and Strategies 3) Plan 4) Justification and conclusion Submit to Turnitin via the link under 'Assessments' on Learn.UQ (Blackboard). Note: The submission will be processed by Turnitin, to check for plagiarism. A report template is provided under 'Assessments' on Learn.UQ (Blackboard). This is a guide for you to use and edit as you wish. Context/Purpose of assessment The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to develop a plan for improving your own health and fitness. You should use the knowledge you have developed throughout the NUTR1023 course to construct a personalised diet and exercise plan that will achieve a goal that is important and relevant to your own situation. Task The following is a guideline for the structure of your report, the word limits are suggestions. 1) Introduction (approx. 200-300 words) • Provide some information about your personal situation. Information should be relevant to your health, fitness, diet and exercise. Suggested information to include: O age OR Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο b) Assessment Task Sheet gender history of physical activity/weight medical Important: You are not required to include all the above information. However, you need to include enough information to enable assessment of whether your goal, strategies and plans for diet and exercise are appropriate for your personal situation. 2) Goal and Strategies (approx. 1000-1200 words) Goal: You are required to set ONE of the following overall goals that relate to your own health and fitness: conditions that require a special diet or exercise program ● current social situation (e.g., work, family, living arrangements) factors in your local environment that might influence your diet or physical activity. a) Reduced risk of chronic disease – if you choose this goal you need to: - → Select a specific chronic disease (e.g., cardiovascular disease, diabetes, mental health, cancer, etc.) that you may be at risk of developing in the future or want to reduce progression of. ⇒ Then use evidence to explain how diet, physical activity exercise is related to the disease risk and prevention/progression if relevant. Improved sport or exercise performance - if you choose this goal you need to: → Select a specific sport or exercise task in which you want to enhance your performance. ⇒ You need to specify how much you want to improve your performance and use evidence to discuss how changes in your diet and in different components of fitness will help to improve your performance. Use the acronym SMART to help you set focused strategies to achieve your overarching goal. SMART stands for: Specific: clearly describe what you want to achieve. Measurable: include targets to help you measure your progress. Achievable: make sure your strategy is achievable - if the task is too large, break it down into smaller ones. Realistic: make sure you can achieve your strategy with your available resources and time. Timed: set a deadline for achieving your strategy so you have a clear target to work towards. Strategies (with justification): Describe and justify (with evidence) three (3) specific strategies that will help achieve your goal. Strategies must be evidence-based, specific, quantified and relevant to your personal situation. Use this information to clearly justify why using your chosen strategies will be the best possible chance to achieve your goal. The course readings and materials on the LearnX platform will provide a good place to start when developing strategies, though you will also need to use other high-quality sources. Peer-reviewed journal articles are high-quality sources and can be accessed through the UQ Library website search function. Assessment Task Sheet Demonstrate critical thought in the development of your strategies by: ⇒ Identifying the type of study (e.g., RCT) in the articles ⇒ Reflecting on the quality of evidence from that type of study ⇒ And then explain how likely it is for the results of the study to apply to your own personal situation and goal. Examples could be to increase the intake of a nutrient or food group in your diet; change your body composition; increase upper body strength or improve your cardiorespiratory fitness. Remember the strategies need to be specific and quantified. Therefore, if you want to increase your intake of a specific nutrient, you will need to say exactly how much of that nutrient you are aiming to consume and why. 3) Plans Provide a detailed diet and exercise plan that describes the specific foods and exercise tasks you will undertake to achieve your goal. List all the foods you plan to eat and all the exercise you plan to undertake during these time periods. Show how your plan is linked to the strategies described in Section 2 and how you will put these into practice. Example: If your strategy was to consume 120g of protein per day to increase lean body mass and muscle strength to improve shot-put performance. For this strategy you would need to list the exact foods to be consumed throughout the day to achieve an intake of 120g of protein. Reminder: the use of tables or figures will not contribute to your wordcount The diet plan: The diet plan must be one week in duration. The diet plan will need to include all the foods you plan to consume, with estimated calculations of the number of serves of each food group • It will need to include a sufficient number of serves of each food group to meet the dietary guidelines for your age and gender as listed in the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating. Please focus on additional nutrients in your diet plan that you may need to highlight to support your strategies and goal. This may be as the example above for protein, or another example such as saturated fat content to prevent a specific chronic disease. The exercise plan: The exercise plan will need to demonstrate use of the FITT principle. It must include the type of exercise, the frequency, intensity, and duration of exercise for every activity planned. The exercise plan must be 8 weeks in duration, this will allow you to show how you have applied the FITT principle and progression of intensity, volume and/or duration over the 8-weeks to achieve your goal. The exercise plan will need to meet the current physical activity guidelines for Australian adults. The exercise plan must clearly relate to your strategies for achieving your overall goal. 4) Justification/Conclusion (approx. 200-300 words) Assessment Task Sheet ● Provide clear justification for your choice of foods and exercises. This final paragraph should include a brief discussion about how the foods and exercises in your plan relate directly to your strategies and overall goal, in the context of your own personal situation. Final tips The report should be clear and concise with a logical and coherent flow of ideas. Referencing: APA (7th Edition) style is required. → See for comprehensive referencing guidelines. Your report should use double line spacing, Arial 12-point font and should be no longer than 1500 words of text. Anything over this limit will not count towards your assignment. References, tables and figures do not contribute to the word limit. Include your diet and exercise plans as tables or figures. These do not contribute to the total word limit. Please ensure they are formatted appropriately upon submission to Turnitin. Please note that font size and double spacing are not necessary for any tables, to ensure concise presentation. A report template has been provided on Learn.UQ (Blackboard). Use this to develop your diet and exercise plan for this assignment, edit it to suit you.