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Systems Analysis Project Instructions 3.1 Functional Requirements • Describe the functional requirements for the system using user stories. You need to include at least ten user stories that describe the functional

requirements for the system. 3.2 Non-Functional Requirements • Describe the non-functional requirements for the system. The non-functional requirements should include the following requirements: o Technical o Performance o Usability Reliability o Security MIS 320 4. Budget 4.1 Budget Create an estimated budget for the project. Use the system requirements to help you decide what line items to include in the budget. 5. Gantt-lite Chart • Develop a Gantt-lite chart using the description in your textbook on page 159 of section 6.2.3 "Predicting the Unpredictable with Gantt-lite Charts". • Each task in the Gantt-lite chart should be assigned a deadline. • Format your Gantt-lit chart like the one depicted in figure 6-5 on page 159 of the textbook./nDeliverable 3: Project Proposal Proposal Scenario You are a consultant for Initech, a consulting company located in Bloomington, MN, a suburb of the Twin Cities. Your boss, Bill Lumbergh, stops by your cubicle to give you a case description of a system that was successfully implemented. Bill tells you that your task is to create a project proposal for the system described in the case. One of your company's clients is offering you a six-figure contract to implement the same system for them. Your task is to create a proposal that is so impressive that the client will hire your consulting company to build the system. Best Practices for Writing the Proposal 1. Keep in mind you will be presenting this proposal to an executive audience at the client's location, including upper management. The document should be free of typographical and spelling errors, be easy to read, and look professional Your audience will be a business audience and may not have deep technical knowledge, so you need to write clearly and concisely. 2. Follow the structured outline for the proposal document provided in these instructions. Formatting Guidelines for the Proposal 1. Number the pages. 2. Use section headings. 3. Include a cover page with date, title, and author name. 4. Follow the APA guidelines for formatting. Please consult the "APA Formatting and Style Guide" from the Purdue Online Writing Lab: Link to OWL APA Guidelines 5. Cite all sources using the APA citation style. Use inline citations and include a Works Cited page in your case analysis document. If you quote from another source, such as the textbook, make sure to cite the source. Do not quote directly without a citation. 6. If you need help with APA or with writing, please see the tutors at the Center for Academic Excellence. They are exceptionally kind, helpful, and their services are confidential. Structure of Proposal 1. Executive Summary Describe the purpose of your system and the audience for your system. Imagine you are writing for top management, such as the CEO of your company. Be persuasive as to why this system is a worthwhile endeavor for your company to undertake. 2. Description of Users and Development Approach 2.1 Users • Make a list of the users of the system. • Who will be using the system once it is implemented? Are all of the users described in the case? Are there potential users who are not mentioned in the case? 2.2. Development Approach Recommend a development approach for the project, either using the traditional Systems Development Lifecycle (SDLC) waterfall approach or an Agile approach. • Justify why the approach you chose is optimal for this systems project. . 3. System Requirements Define the requirements for the system, both functional and non-functional. The requirements describe what the system will do. .

Fig: 1

Fig: 2