include references) For your next blog post, imagine you are creating a tutorial for, you audience will be technical but maybe learning a new skill, for example a security operations analyst trying to learn penetration testing or a computer science student who wants to learn about defending their code. You can use any tool you've learned about during this unit or through your own independent studies. Pick a task for your tool and explain in detail how you can achieve that task with your chosen tool. Here is an example structure, however, feel free to use your own or build on this, depending on your topic: How to use a flipper zero to clone a car unlock signal from a car key Introduce the tool • Flipper Zero . o What is it? What can it do? What are you going to show us? What do you need? o Kali Linux? Windows? Mac? Are there any risks (legal, ethical, technical) that the reader should know about? Show us what to do step by step o This doesn't have to be "step 1..., step 2..." o You should note anything the reader should supply themselves, IP addresses etc, otherwise the tutorial only applies to MMU students! What can you do after you run this tool? What have you achieved? Summarise the how and the why If you want to learn more what should you read next? o Small tool that can send Burp - Web application testing Virtual box - Setting up virtual computers signals How to clone the car unlock signal A Flipper Zero and a car key (the one you want to clone) Don't clone someone else's key - illegal, and your old key may not work after rolling codes Step by step o o Have the flipper zero on Sub- GHz mode in record Push the car unlock button on the key Lock the car Here are some of the tools you could write your tutorial on (videos on Moodle): Nmap - Port scanning Metasploit - Vulnerability exploiting Uncomplicated Firewall - Configuring a Firewall 0 o Replay the first signal Flipper zero isn't just for car keys it can capture other signals and replay them - garage doors, ID cards, etc For more ideas check out Awesome Flipper Zero resources
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