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Length: 2 Sources (150 words per annotation)

What's the purpose of an annotated bibliography?

• To gather and summarize information about a topic you are researching

into one document

• To create a quick reference sheet which will remind you of what your

various sources argued and how they are useful to your paper

• To preserve a record of research about your topic which may be shared

with others in your field

Who is the audience?

• Yourself, in that the document will help you in your own writing and


• Others (including your instructor) who might be interested in reading an

overview of the topic you researched. For this reason, clarity,

professionalism and neatness are important in an annotated bibliography.

How to do it:

• Make an MLA works cited list of two or more relevant sources you've

found on your topic. Then, beneath each citation, write an annotation


1) a summary of the theme or purpose of the source,

2) and evaluation of the authors background or authority,

3) a comment on the intended audience,

4) a comparison of this source to a previously cited source, (DO NOT DO


5) an explanation of how the source helps define complicate or clarify the


• Organize your citations alphabetically by author using hanging

indentations. You are encouraged to use to help you put each

entry in the appropriate format. All types of sources have different types

of citations, so be sure to enter the information in the appropriate


• To make your bibliography easy to read, please bold the citation but

leave the annotation paragraph unbolted it will make everything easier on

the eyes.

Your Task:

• Minimum of two sources.

• Annotations should relate to your research argument topic.

Fig: 1