selected organisation's procurement strategy and discuss how procurement activities within the selected organisation support corporate strategy and promote sustainability. The structure of the assignment should be as follows: Introduction Company background (i.e., a brief information on the selected company -the presented information should be verifiable) Analysis of procurement/sourcing strategy (i.e., use relevant tools/frameworks, theories, and sources to analyse the selected company's procurement strategy) Relation to corporate-level strategy and other functional/operational-level strategies (i.e., focus more on organisational objectives and other functional areas may be relevant) Analysis of sustainability priorities and impact of sourcing strategy on addressing the sustainability objectives (i.e., the focus is more on green agenda) Conclusion (i.e., summarising key information/points/arguments in the report -no new information should be introduced in the conclusion) Recommendations (i.e., two or four recommendations and must be informed by the analysis and its findings) References (i.e., relevant and recent academic and business sources, and use harvard reference style) 3500 words the assignment should answer these two questions How does the company's procurement strategy facilitate the achievement of its organisational objectives • How does the company's procurement strategy promote/support the company's green agenda
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