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The below image illustrates the cross section of reinforcing steel in a concrete beam.Due to corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete a detailed analysis was performed of this section by an engineer in 2013. Mapping area loss around the steel she discovered that the amount of corrosion exhibited was a loss of 7.5% of the crosssection. She also identified numerous cracks radiating away from the steel.

Assuming the reinforcing bar has the markings X20 followed by two longitudinallines marked through five spaces on the bar and if this steel reinforcing rebar lost7.5% of its effective cross sectional area due to corrosion,(а).calculate the yield strength (in MPa and in KN) that you would estimate remainedin this rebar after this corrosion damage?(b).Calculate the yield strength (in MPa and in KN) that you would estimate remainedin this rebar before this corrosion damage (c) What do you estimate the ultimatestrength (KN) and modulus of elasticity (MPa) to be for the reinforcing bar beforeand after corrosion?

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3