and push your ability to educate your patients on their "NEW" diagnosis. Signs and Symptoms of the disease and disease progression. Nursing Priorities and Interventions related to the priorities. ● Anticipated Provider Orders/Medications/Labs Patient Education 1. Medical Surgical Paper: You will be assigned into a group at the beginning of the term. Each person in the group will be given a topic related to a medical diagnosis. The topics will be assigned to you in categories: Respiratory, Cardiac, GI, GU, Neurological, Musculoskeletal Fluid and Electrolyte Disorders, Endocrine, Integumentary, Vision/Hearing. Each group will have a different diagnosis in the related system. Pathophysiology of the disease Risk Factors of the disease in detail Resp Pneumon ia COPD Asthma TB Cardiac CHF Congestive Heart Failure Atherosclerosis Atrial Fibrillation Hypertension GI Ulcerative Colitis GU Pancreati pyelone tis phritis sis SBO AKI Cholecyst Kidney Stones itis Musc UTI Osteoporo Osteomal acia MS Osteomye litis Fluid and Electrolyte S Hypokalemi DM a Hyperkalem Hypoth yroid ia Endoc rine Hypomagnes Hypermagne 's semia emia Cushing Syndro me Adrenal Insuffic iency Integ Stevens Johnson Syndrome Psoriasis Contact Dermatitis Pruritus Vision/ Hearing Cataract Macular degenerati on Otitis Media Meniere's Disease Emphyse Peripheral Vascular Diverticul Disease osis ma BPH Rheumat oid Arthritis Hypocalce Cystic mia fibrosis Pressure Injuries Stage 3, 4 The paper should be written using APA 7th Edition format. Utilize a minimum of 3 scholarly references. Your textbooks may be used as one of your scholarly references, however at least one needs to be from a peer review article dated within the last 5 years, and another article dated within the past 10 years. The body of the paper will be a minimum of 1 page and a maximum of 3 pages, plus the Title and Reference page (an Abstract is NOT required). If areas of the paper are copied and pasted from an outside source, the paper will receive a failing grade. Areas of unsatisfactory work or an excessive number of errors will receive zero points for that section in the rubric. See deductions for late papers above. Submit as WORD document only. No PDF or Google Drive documents.