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There are 3 reflection papers available: • Reflection Paper 1 will have you discuss sociological theory: functionalism, conflict theory, symbolic interactionism and relate it to a social problem. • Reflection Paper

2 will have you discuss criminology theory: strain theory, power elite, differential justice, labeling theory, and differential association and relate it to a current event. . • Reflection Paper 3 will have you discuss sociological theory: functionalism, conflict theory, symbolic interactionism and relate it to a social phenomenon related to family, marriage, or relationships. Select one of these Reflection papers to complete by their due date./nReflection Paper Requirements and Format • Do not copy/paste from any source, always use your own words. Appropriate citation format will be expected. • Include your word count at the end of your submission. • Each assignment will be evaluated using UniCheck a tool that checks for plagiarism. The use of Al will be reported to Student Life. • These assignments are independent, i.e., not group or partner assignments. • Proper grammar and spelling are required in all written responses. Text abbreviations are not acceptable. Remember, this is an academic course, your writing should reflect that. • Always include your word count at the end of your assignment. • All reflection paper submissions should 12 point, Times New Roman font, double spaced, one-inch margins all around, have proper grammar and spelling, appropriate paragraph format. • You will submit your assignment as a PDF file. Make sure you double check your submission, if the wrong document is submitted and you notice after the deadline, your assignment will be considered late and points will be deducted. • Citations Help

Fig: 1

Fig: 2