you need to know about the project. 2) Need to complete the excel file using the instructions from the instructions file and information from deliverable 1 file 3) Page Limit for Report 1-2 Pages/nFINANCE AND TEAM 1. Finance For this part you are required to provide numbers BY COMPLETING THE ATTACHED EXCEL FILE: A. How much does your product cost? Provide a detailed breakdown of the costs of developing your product. (Raw materials, production, shipping, packaging etc.) B. How much will you be selling it for? How much funding do you need to start this venture? How much do you expect to sell the first year? Provide an explanation for your assumption What is your projected profit the first year? *Students are required to submit the financial model along the written report **The Excel file consists of 4 tabs (worksheets) below the page, please utilize them all. Management Team C. D. E. 2. A. B. Founders and team responsibility matrix (description of the roles and responsibilities) What is missing in your team? Who do you need to hire?
Fig: 1
Fig: 2