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To receive credit, you must highlight/box in your answers and show all work. 1. The 20' simply-supported beam is subjected to a uniform distributed load of 3 kip/ft. The idealized pin support on the left is detailed in the drawing below where the steel beam is supported by a steel girder via clip angles (angle brackets) and four bolts. Assume a clip angle exists on both sides of the beam such that each bolt is placed in double shear. The diameter of each bolt is 0.875", and each clip angle is 0.25" thick. 3 kip/ft 20 ft/n1-#3 CONT #3 HAIRPINS @3'-0" TOP 48° 18 -STEEL GIRDER, SEE PLAN STEEL BEAM, SEE PLAN 1-#4 CONT SUPPORT BAR, TIE TO EACH #3 BAR (TYP) 1" CLR COVER SLAB REINF, SEE PLAN SEE PLANS METAL DECK, SEE PLAN A) Determine the shear stress in the bolts (units of ksi). B) Determine the bearing stress (units of ksi) between the bolts and the clip angles.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2