to be no less than 250 words (excludes your name). Create a new paragraph in your Initial Post for each of the prompts/questions/numbers. In addition to the Initial Post, you must respond to at least two of your peers. Each of your response posts should be approximately 100-150 words long (does not include salutations to your peers, peers' names or your own name at the end of the post), and should be substantive and engaging. In your Response Posts to your peers, identify them by first name and offer constructive feedback and/or ask questions to encourage discussion. Do NOT use quotes in any of the posts; no quotes allowed in this course. Include your name on Initial Post and Response Posts. Posts should be concise and reflect proficient writing standards and professionalism. Online comments should be grammatically correct, without misspelled words or unacceptable abbreviations. Please do not use text-messaging vernacular such as "LOL." All submissions, in-text citations, and references should use APA (7th ed.) format. Remember, if it is on the Reference list, then it should be cited as an in-text citation. The opposite is also true; if it is cited as an in-text citation, it needs to be listed as one of your references. Note: If the indent does not hold when posting a reference to the Discussion Board, points will not be deducted. The goal here is to help you develop the habit of citing and referencing scholarly resources used to support your professional discussions./n1. How do you see Nursing, as a regulated and licensed profession, interface or have a connection with laws? Support with evidence. 2. Reflect and provide an example from one of your clinical experiences (identify the course without use of patient names) for which institutional policy or state law affected your practice of care? 3. As you reflect on a chosen Ohio House or Senate Bill, what healthcare issue concerns you most about the bill? Legal citing and referencing helpLinks to an external site. Response Post: Respond to at least two of your peers with a thoughtful reply demonstrating insight and engagement about their initial posts.
Fig: 1
Fig: 2