deals on some models. Zero percent financing means the obvious thing-that no interest is being charged on the loan. So if we borrow $1,200 at 0%interest and pay it off over 12 months, our monthly payment will be $1,200/12 = $100. Suppose you are buying a new truck at a price of $26,000. You plan to finance your purchase with a loan you will repay over two years. The dealer offers two options: either dealer financing with 0% interest, or a $2,600 rebate on the purchase price. If you take the rebate, you will have to go to the local bank for a loan (of $23,400) at an APR of 6.5%. What would your monthly payment be if you used dealer financing? (Round your answer to the nearest cent.)
Fig: 1
Fig: 2
Fig: 3
Fig: 4