of 190 –210 Hz and some noise. You will analyze the signal in multiple ways and try to determine the two frequencies as accurately as possible, Make all plots on 1 figure using the subplot command. a) Plot the fft of the signal using a rectangular window and no zero padding. This basically meansX=fft(x). Make your plot range from 190 – 210 Hz. b) Plot the fft of the signal using a rectangular window and zero padding to make the fft have a length of 4096. This means X=fft(x, 4096). Make your plot range from 190 – 210 Hz. Hint you willneed a new frequency vector. c) Plot the fft of the signal using a Hanning window and no zero padding. This basically meansX=fft(x.*hanning (length(x)). Make your plot range from 190 – 210 Hz. d) Plot the fft of the signal using a Hanning window and zero padding to make the fft have a length of4096. Make your plot range from 190 – 210 Hz. e) What is your best estimate of the frequencies of the two signals? f) Which plot was above was the most helpful in identifying the two frequencies? Why?
Fig: 1
Fig: 2
Fig: 3
Fig: 4
Fig: 5
Fig: 6
Fig: 7