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You are a Design Engineer working on a 2-story office building that includes one level of underground parking as shown in the figure provided. The superstructure is steel construction and has

diagonal steel brace elements to resist lateral wind forces. To maximize the space in the underground parking, a concrete transfer beam is provided to support the steel building structure. Your role on the project team is to design the reinforced concrete transfer beam. The following information is provided: > The steel frame can be idealized as a truss system where all member joints can be assumed as frictionless pins. That is all members can only resist tension or compression loads and cannot resist any shear or bending. The steel column supports at "A", "B", and "C" can be idealized as pinned support connections. The following information is provided on the concrete transfer beam: ➤ Assume normal weight concrete with a density of 150 pcf > Beam can be considered as simply supported with a span of 40 feet. > Note that the support reactions from the steel superstructure should be applied opposite and equal on the transfer beam when drawing the beam shear and moment diagrams. Draw the factored shear and bending moment diagram (with numerical values at all transition peaks) for the concrete transfer beam for the following two load cases: Part (1) Load Combination: 1.2D+1.0W+1.0L+0.55 for the condition of lateral wind forces pushing the steel structure in the Westward direction. For the maximum moment on your diagram, where would you place the tension reinforcement to resist that moment (i.e., in the top or bottom of the beam) and why? Part (2) Load Combination: 0.9D+1.0W for the condition of lateral wind forces pulling the steel structure in the Eastward direction. For the maximum moment on your diagram, where would you place the tension reinforcement to resist that moment (i.e., in the top or bottom of the beam) and why?/nWest East Ps=20k PL=35k PD,= 25k 12'-0" 13'-0" A 22'-0" Steel beams Steel columns Ps= 25k PL = 60k PD = 30k + B 18'-0" ELEVATION 36" wide x 30" deep concrete beam - Concrete basement wall Ps= 20k PL = 35k PD = 25* 4 Steel brace Steel brace Pw=50k → Pw=25*

Fig: 1

Fig: 2