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Analytical essays are a fundamental part of academic writing, and as a student, you’ll likely encounter them eventually. Mastering the construction of an analytical essay is crucial for developing critical thinking skills that will benefit you throughout your career. You can produce more compelling and insightful work by grasping the key elements of an analytical essay.

In this article, we define an analytical essay, explore how to tackle each component and provide a step-by-step guide for crafting your own. We cover key aspects of writing an analytical essay, including the preferred structure and outlining techniques. Let’s begin by offering a detailed explanation of what constitutes an analytical essay.

What is An Analytical Essay?

An analytical essay is a written exploration of a topic that presents a claim supported by contextual evidence. As an expository essay, it requires authors to present arguments without expressing bias, opinions, or persuasions. Even at the time of attempting to prove their theory or disprove an opposing theory, authors’ arguments must rely solely on logic and relevant facts. Experts also advise authors to minimize their personal feelings in this type of writing.

Analytical essays are prevalent in academic writing but can also be found in newspapers, trade journals, and other publications. These essays often focus on literary works, films, art, or current events. An analytical essay revolves around a thesis statement about the subject, supported by secondary sources serving as evidence for the thesis.

How to Structure An Analytical Essay

Before you begin writing an analytical essay, creating an outline will make the writing process much easier. To structure an analytical essay, you need to follow a specific process. Our experts explained here how you can structure your analytical essay in the best possible way.

Introductory paragraph

The introductory paragraph grabs the reader’s attention and establishes your analysis by accomplishing the following three tasks:

  • Begin your essay with a hook Open your essay with something captivating related to your topic to engage the reader’s interest.
  • Introduce your topics— Once you’ve captured your reader’s attention, outline the main topics leading to your thesis statement.
  • Craft your thesis statement— By the end of your introduction, clearly present your thesis, encapsulating your entire analytical argument in one sentence.

Body paragraphs

Although an analytical research paper can be more extensive, a five-paragraph essay usually consists of three body paragraphs, including an introduction and a conclusion. Each paragraph should start with a topic sentence that reinforces the thesis, followed by evidence and analysis that support this topic sentence.


A well-crafted conclusion should extend your argument to provoke further contemplation rather than merely restating the points you’ve already covered. A compelling conclusion encourages readers to reflect on your analysis in a broader context. It should link back to your introduction and cohesively integrate the entire essay, but it should go beyond just summarizing the content.

How to Write An Analytical Essay

To effectively tackle an analytical essay, take into account the elements described above and follow these steps guided by TutorBin writing experts:

1. Take your stance on a topic

Depending on the assignment, you might be given a topic or be asked to choose one. Selecting your own topic provides creative freedom but can also be challenging. In such cases, opt for a subject you are familiar with and genuinely interested in, ensuring it provides ample scope for discussion and argument. While keeping the specific topic is necessary, the main emphasis should be defining your perspective on the work you’re analyzing. Begin by brainstorming to clarify your thoughts and impressions. It’s extremely important to focus on developing an argument that effectively conveys your analysis of the topic.

Example of choosing a topic

Literary Analysis:

“The Role of Isolation in Emily Dickinson’s Poetry” explores how themes of isolation and solitude are portrayed in Emily Dickinson’s works and their impact on the overall meaning of her poetry.

Film Analysis:

“The Use of Symbolism in Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho” examines the various symbols used in the film and how they contribute to its suspense and thematic depth.

Historical Analysis:

“The Economic Impacts of the New Deal on American Society” analyzes how Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal policies affected various sectors of American society and their long-term economic impacts.

Technology Analysis:

“The Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace” investigates the ethical concerns of integrating artificial intelligence in professional environments and its effects on employment and privacy.

Social Media Analysis: “The Influence of Social Media on Body Image Perception Among Teenagers” explores how social media platforms shape teenagers’ perceptions of body image and the psychological effects associated with them.

2. Draft your thesis statement

A thesis statement is a focused assertion that presents a clear argument about your topic. It is ideal to finish your thesis statement in one sentence. You can sometimes explain it more, but not more than two sentences. Although your thesis might evolve as you develop your essay, according to experts, it’s always helpful to begin writing the paper with your thesis statement in mind. Throughout the writing process, refine your thesis to ensure it is concise. The Precise thesis statement is your essay’s central element, clearly outlining the core argument.

Example thesis statement: 

“In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the use of supernatural elements serves to enhance the themes of ambition and moral corruption, illustrating how the protagonist’s descent into tyranny is influenced by his unchecked desires and the supernatural forces that manipulate him.”

This thesis statement clearly identifies the specific focus of the analysis (the role of supernatural elements in Macbeth), presents an argument (how these elements enhance the themes of ambition and moral corruption), and sets up the structure for the essay’s argument.

3. Write your topic sentences

Once you clearly grasp your argument, you must outline how your essay will substantiate it. Ensure that your topic sentences appear at the beginning of the paragraph and set the stage for the rest of the content. These topic sentences act as the anchor of your writing- clearly explain what the paragraph will discuss or argue. Each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence that introduces a distinct aspect of your argument. In longer papers, a topic sentence may span more than one paragraph. A well-defined thesis and topic sentences act as the functional outline. However, you might also create a more detailed outline explaining where to incorporate references to outside sources.

Example topic sentence

Here are examples of topic sentences for an analytical essay based on different types of analysis:

Literary Analysis:

“In Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth,’ the protagonist’s unchecked ambition serves as the primary catalyst for his ultimate downfall, revealing the destructive nature of power unchecked by morality.”

Film Analysis:

“The use of color in ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’ is not merely aesthetic but serves to enhance the narrative, highlighting the contrasting themes of nostalgia and modernity throughout the film.”

Art Analysis:

“Van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’ employs dynamic brushstrokes and vibrant colors to convey a sense of emotional turbulence, reflecting the artist’s inner struggle and the impact of his mental state on his work.”

Historical Analysis:

“The economic policies of the New Deal fundamentally reshaped the American economy by introducing long-lasting reforms that addressed the immediate needs of the Great Depression and laid the groundwork for future economic stability.”

Technological Analysis:

“The advent of artificial intelligence in the workplace presents both opportunities and challenges, as it not only enhances productivity but also raises significant ethical concerns regarding job displacement and privacy.”

Each of these topic sentences clearly states the focus of the paragraph and sets up the analysis that will follow.

4. Gather data from external sources

When conducting an analysis, incorporating information from external sources is really necessary. The data you collect should bolster the arguments you present. Consider the following when gathering data:

Utilize primary or secondary resources: When writing an analytical essay, it’s essential to use both primary and secondary sources. Primary sources provide direct evidence or firsthand accounts of your topic, offering authentic insights. Secondary sources offer analysis and interpretation of primary sources, helping to contextualize and support your argument.

Decide whether to quote or paraphrase: Depending on the length and the relevance of the material to your points, you can either quote the text directly or paraphrase it.

  1. Example quote: For example, in an analytical essay on Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird,” you can use a quotation like this: “Scout reflects on societal expectations by stating, ‘I could not be a lady if I wore breeches'”
  1. Example paraphrase: In an analytical essay on Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird,” you might paraphrase a passage like this: Scout expresses her struggle with societal expectations, noting that she feels unable to conform to traditional feminine roles if she continues to dress in pants.

Use credible sources- Using reputable sources is essential for writing a strong analytical essay. Credible sources, such as peer-reviewed journals, regulated studies, and materials, provide reliable evidence to support your arguments. Relying on reputable sources ensures that your analysis is well-founded and enhances the overall credibility of your essay.

Cite your sources- Citing sources in an analytical essay is crucial for giving credit to original authors and avoiding plagiarism. Proper citations allow readers to verify your claims and consult the original sources for more information. Consistently using a specific citation style, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago, ensures clarity and uniformity throughout your essay.

5. Outline and structure your essay

With a thesis statement, topic sentences, and selected evidence from different sources, you have all the key components to start writing your essay. However, framing an outline can help you systematically arrange your thoughts. It determines the best placement for each statement and supporting piece of evidence. An outline allows you to visualize the flow of your essay. It ensures you start with an engaging hook and conclude with a strong, memorable statement.

6. Write your essay

To write a unique, information-rich, and well-argued analytical essay, ensure that your analysis offers fresh insights or perspectives on the topic rather than simply reiterating common views. Support your arguments with detailed evidence and thoughtful analysis. Craft your essay with a clear structure, using precise language and logical progression to make your argument compelling and easy to follow.

7. Proofread and edit

Proofreading and editing your analytical essay involve meticulously checking for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and inconsistencies to ensure precision. Review your arguments’ logical flow and coherence, verifying that each point effectively supports your thesis and that your evidence is accurately cited. Experts also recommend revising sentences for better readability. Seeking feedback from writing professionals can also offer new perspectives on refining and enhancing your essay.

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