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It is common among students to take online tutoring lightly and not put a lot of hard work into it. While some students might set goals that are too easy to achieve and not at all ambitious, others might aim for something too high. Therefore, it is important for students to set achievable goals that can bear fruits. However, this exercise is easier said than done. To act of creating a perfect balance between online tutoring goals that are ambitious enough, but also achievable can be very tricky. It requires immense thought and strategy to ensure that you benefit the most out of your e-learning session. Here, we have compiled a list of 4 tips to help you set achievable goals-

Set Your Goals

Pen down your goals

The first step to setting and achieving your online tutoring goals is to pen them down. When you put down your goals on paper, you get a lot of clarity. Goals that are just in the mind create clutter and may be forgotten. Thus, it is very important to write down your goals. Additionally, when you write down your goals, you can easily perform a cost-benefit analysis to identify which goals are worthy of your hard work. This will help you narrow down your list. Secondly, you can also arrange the goals based on their importance and priority. Unless you prioritize your goals, you will often run after all of them together with no clear roadmap to execution. Therefore, when it comes to goal setting, start by writing down all the goals you can think of, eliminate the irrelevant ones and prioritize the rest.

Don’t over commit

The second step to setting achievable goals and accomplishing them is to have a reality check and not over-commit. This means that once you pen down your goals and prioritize them, do so in a manner which is achievable. Setting unrealistic targets for oneself will invariably backfire. If you set very high goals, it will be unlikely that you’ll be able to achieve them. Not being able to achieve the set goals may trigger a sense of incompetency, bringing down your confidence. Therefore, it is alright to start small, enlisting goals that are achievable. Make sure you only commit to those online tutoring goals that you can fulfill and not over-commit.

Create a schedule

One of the easiest ways to achieve your set online tutoring goals is by creating a timetable and sticking to it. You can visualize creating a timetable as setting the path for your journey toward better grades or whatever your online tutoring goal may be. Again as it goes for the goals create a realistic timetable and do not over-commit. Divide your day efficiently and keep sufficient time for recreation and other important activities. Unless you create a timetable or a schedule that is easy to stick to, you will find ways to go around it and move away from achieving your set goals. Thus, create a timetable that will yield you results, but not leave you feeling powerless.

Celebrate small wins

Finally, if you want to set achievable goals, associate them with small wins and celebrate them. This is to say that create milestones in the path to your ultimate e-learning goal and whenever you accomplish a particular milestone, celebrate it. For instance, if your online tutoring goal is to solve 5 assignments by the end of the day, take a 10-minute break after every assignment you solve. This way will act as a refresher as well as reinforce the motivation and encouragement to finish the remaining ones. Thus, setting and celebrating small wins can go a long way in helping you set and achieve your goals.

These are 4 important tips you must follow while setting goals for your online tutoring & homework help sessions. These will help you reap the maximum benefits and get the best grades.

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