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1. (20 points) The finished floor elevation is 100', which is equal to a site elevation of7180'. The bottom of the foundation is 3-8" below the finished floor elevation. Assume

point 1 (the 3" FD) has an invert elevation of 99.3' and that point A has an invert elevation of 98.5'. Use a 1/8" per foot slope interior to the building. The distance between point A and point B is 108 and the distance between point 1 and point A 130’. Determine: 1. The minimum invert elevation at point B (the foundation). 2. Is this point below the foundation? 3. The structural engineer will not let you penetrate the foundation wall or the spread footing. Determine the invert elevation below the spread footing. Use nominal pipe diameters in making this determination.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4