- Introduction:
The promotion of and adherence to academic integrity standards, such as honesty and obligation to maintain all expectations of the policy, provide value and legitimacy to Tutorbin's day-to-day work operations and are subsequently utilized by the users in their future professional careers. The sanctity, worth, and integrity of learning and higher education are threatened by academic integrity violations. Following the principles of academic integrity guarantees
The management of TutorBin is dedicated to fostering, guiding, and monitoring users for adherence to all principles of academic integrity;
expectation for lifelong learning and ethical behavior is fostered among all users;
the reputation of the management, their solutions, materials, and information available are protected and enhanced.
- Violation of the Policy:
Use of any information provided on the Tutorbin platform for any service including solutions, answers, materials, or information available on or through the platform used to cheat on an exam or graded work is a violation of the policy. This policy will and its terms shall follow the legal & privacy policy of the company/TutorBin.
Examples of misuse include: Using Services to ask questions that are being asked as part of an exam or graded work.
Passing along any solutions, materials, or other information from the Services as your own work without attribution to Tutorbin.
Tutorbin will take quick action against anyone found violating this policy. Tutorbin may, in its sole discretion, delete the content and suspend or terminate the accounts of the affected users if it receives proof that its Services have been used in a manner that violates its Academic Integrity policy or any other provision of our Terms of Use.
- Violation Mechanism/Procedure:
The Tutorbin will normally investigate a reported violation if there is sufficient, reasonable, and credible information that a violation has occurred.
After a violation report is received, the committee will:
analyze and examine the violation and relevant evidence as per violation,
conduct an investigation or inquiry and may interact with the user and any evidence or other persons having information about the user and/or the allegations as the committee deems appropriate,
notify the user in writing of the alleged violation(s) of the policy if it appears that an Academic Integrity violation has occurred,
encourage the user to respond in writing to the allegations and relevant evidence against the user,
assess the credibility of the witnesses (if any) and strength of the evidence,
prepare a decision and recommended course of action, and
Inform the complainant after every stage about actions underway.
- Appointment of the Committee:
The Committee shall be composed of Three (3) members. There shall be at least one representative of Technical Team among the Three members. One from HR Team shall also be appointed and One from the management shall be appointed as the presiding officer of the committee. All appointments must be approved by the management.
- Duties of the Committee:
The Committee will decide all prehearing matters, and, at the hearing, will decide all questions of law and fact relating to the guilt or innocence of the accused, and sanctions to be recommended by the committee, other than evidentiary issues decided by the committee.
- Committee Investigation Procedure:
Any person having direct knowledge or information concerning a possible violation of this policy shall report the matter within fifteen (15) business days to the committee, or on matters related to course work, to the concerned person responsible for the course.
Within ten (10) business days of the report of a possible violation, the Committee shall make a preliminary determination, based on the facts alleged by the reporting party, whether to proceed with an investigation.
- If the committee, after consultation with the management determines that the facts alleged by the reporting party does not warrant a proceeding, the committee shall so find, and the matter shall be terminated.
- If the committee determines the acts alleged by the reporting party do warrant a proceeding, the committee shall initiate a preliminary investigation of the alleged violation.
The accused is encouraged to provide his or her response to the allegation(s) and relevant evidence in writing. When there are significant discrepancies or contradictions between the supporting information and the accused’s response, the committee will attempt to ascertain the truth and exercise reasonable discretion, including further investigation if practicable.
The preliminary investigation shall be completed within fifteen (15) business days after the initial report of the possible violation. Upon completion of the preliminary investigation, the committee shall decide whether there is sufficient evidence to support a prosecution or not.
After the preliminary investigation, the committee shall initiate the proceedings by summoning the accused and cross-examining the acts alleged by the reporting party.
Unless the accused waives a closed hearing, the only persons permitted to attend will be the accused, his/her counsel, the Committee and witnesses (if any).
The presiding officer shall have the right to exclude testimony irrelevant to the charge(s) being prosecuted. Written statements may be accepted in place of oral testimony where the submitted testimony's requirement is not in question.
The Committee, as soon as practicable after completion of the hearing shall give/provide their decision within (15) business days., shall deliberate to determine the guilt or innocence of the accused.
- If a determination of guilt is not made, all concerned parties shall be notified in writing and the proceedings shall terminate.
- If a determination of guilt is made, the Committee shall recommend the appropriate sanction(s) in writing to the Director. If the Committee decides of guilt but cannot unanimously agree on the sanction(s), it shall report its finding of guilt and its diverse recommendations on the sanction(s) to the Director. The Committee shall furnish copies of its report and recommendations(s) to the accused and the prosecutor.
The decision of the Director shall be in writing and will be deemed final and binding.
- Consequences of the violation:
If the committee has found a violation under this policy, the following sanctions may be imposed on the accused:
- Written warning or reprimand;
- Verbal warning;
- Permanent suspension or deletion of the content, solutions, and material from the Tutorbin platform.
- Expelled or restricted the use of material, solutions, and information available and terminate the account of the involved users on the Tutorbin platform.
- Disclaimer:
When you’re using Tutorbin, you’re also bound by our Terms of Use and Copyright Policy, be sure to know and follow all our guidelines as you share and learn from others in our community.
This policy is reviewed on 23/01/2023