The problem is to predict the label of each object in the following test set: (1,0), (0,0). i. Is this a regression or classification problem? ii. Solve this problem using the K-Nearest Neighbours algorithm with Euclide an distance and K = 3.[6 marks] (d) What is the computational complexity of the K-Nearest Neighbours algorithm? Explain briefly why. In your answer, you may assume that K is a fixed constant.[5 marks] (e) How would you summarize the difference between inductive and transductive algorithms in machine learning? Which of these two classes does K-Nearest Neighbours belong to?[5 marks] (f) Give two advantages and two disadvantages of the K-Nearest Neighbours algorithm.[8 marks]
Fig: 1
Fig: 2
Fig: 3
Fig: 4
Fig: 5
Fig: 6
Fig: 7
Fig: 8
Fig: 9
Fig: 10
Fig: 11
Fig: 12