Question 1. (a) Go to the link You should find a plot of u =[1; 2; 2] (blue), 7 = [2; −1; −1] (red), and z = [−3; 0; 2] (green) with labels. (b) Look up your vectors in the table on the CE3 assignment page. (c) Change in the plot to your first vector. (d) Can you find a linear combination of u and that is equal to z? You can use the slidersfor a and b to experiment. aŭ and bʊ are shown as gray vectors and their sum is shownin green on the same plot. If you can find one, what is it, written as aū+ bʊ? If not, canyou estimate a linear combination that is as close to z as possible? What is it? (Includean image of your findings.) (e) Use row reduction to find your answer algebraically. If there is a linear combination, findit; if not, show that there isn't one. Don't try to find the approximation algebraically.Just show that there is no solution. (Note: if you try to solve using the operator,MATLAB will find it.)